News The first two bottles of a unique whisky came under the hammer at NFU Scotland’s annual dinner in St Andrews last night, fetching £1400 and £1200.
News In a fitting climax to the Union’s centenary year, a book marking NFU Scotland’s journey from 1913 to 2013 has been written by well-known journalist and author Andrew Arbuckle.
News A dedicated and long-serving NFU Scotland group secretary has been awarded the prestigious NFU Scotland John Miskelly Memorial Award for 2014.
News A dedicated group secretary for Skye, who has helped to boost NFU Scotland membership since he took on the role, has been awarded the annual membership Flame Award at the Union’s AGM.
News The total amount given to projects across the country by NFU Scotland’s Centenary Trust has now reached £178,475 with applications still being sought.
News NFU Scotland’s President, Nigel Miller, has pledged 100 percent commitment from staff and officeholders in its efforts to strike the best deal for Scottish agriculture from the ongoing CAP Reform process.
News The inaugural review of the Dairy Industry Code of Best Practice on Contractual Relationships (known as the voluntary code) will be chaired by the Rt Hon. Alex Fergusson, MSP, former presiding officer of the Scottish Parliament.
News Scottish farmers with an interest in renewable technology are being urged to attend the second on-farm demo day organised by NFU Scotland’s Renewable Development Initiative.
News With new taxation challenges emerging for agricultural businesses, NFU Scotland has teamed up with two top Scottish firms to help guide its members as they enter the new financial year.
News Four of NFU Scotland’s farming regions have pulled together to provide the fantastic fare being served up at the Union’s annual dinner in St Andrews next week (Monday, 10 February) – marking the end of the Union’s Centenary celebrations.