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Dutch Ring Rot Prompts Source Safe Seed Message

Confirmation that Potato Ring Rot has been found in ware potatoes in a region of South Holland has prompted NFU Scotland to remind all Scottish and UK growers to source safe and healthy seed.



NFUS Welcomes Signs of Livestock Numbers Stabilising

NFU Scotland has welcomed signs that the Scottish beef herd and sheep flock are showing signs of recovery in some parts of the country after several years of decline.



New Cross-Compliance Rules on Water Quality to Apply Across Scotland

From January next year, new rules regarding the spreading of fertilisers adjacent to watercourses will affect farmers across Scotland.  Failure to meet the new cross-compliance requirements means that, under inspection, penalties may be applied to a farmer’s Single Farm Payment (SFP).



Union Calls for Strong Milk Price Message in New Year

NFU Scotland is adamant that the milk price rises seen in the last six months of 2011 must provide a platform for further price improvements in 2012.



NFU Scotland position on Sheep EID

NFU Scotland has provided the following briefing to members, politicians and the press that clearly outlines our position on changes needed to the current system of sheep tagging and movement recording.  It recognises the present frustration and anger in the sheep sector triggered by uncertainty over compliance standards, the variable performance of readers at markets/abattoirs and often poor tag performance. However, there remain fundamental issues regarding the prescriptive nature of Regulation 21/2004, double tagging and the recording of information that does not impact on traceability. In short, the regulation is seen to be disproportionate to the needs of traceability.  Please click on the following link to read the full version of the briefing supplied to the press and solutions suggested by NFUS.



Ten Years of The VI: New Chair Visits Scotland

NFU Scotland welcomed the new Chair of the Voluntary Initiative (VI), Richard Butler, to Scotland today (Wednesday 7 December) to hear his views on the future direction of the VI.  The visit was a useful opportunity for him to get the perspective of a wide range of Scottish Stakeholders including NFUS, Scottish Water, SEPA, SNH and agronomists.



Union Welcomes EID Delay for Historic Flock

NFU Scotland has warmly welcomed a decision taken by the EU Commission to extend the deadline for the compulsory electronic tagging of sheep born before 1 January 2010 to the end of 2014.



Pressure on Paice to Deliver on Dairy as EU Fails

The UK dairy sector’s eyes will now turn to UK Agriculture Minister, Jim Paice to create the change for good for the nation’s milk producers where the EU has failed. This was NFU Scotland’s contention on the day that the EU announced its long-awaited but ultimately watered down Dairy Package.



Support Payment Run Starts Bang on Time

NFU Scotland has welcomed the announcement from the Scottish Government that almost three-quarters of eligible Single Farm Payment (SFP) recipients in Scotland will start to receive their payments from Thursday, December 1.


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NFU Scotland
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Rural Centre - West Mains
Ingliston, Midlothian
EH28 8LT

Place of registration: Scotland

Company Registration Number: SC214564

Tel: 0131 472 4000

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