News NFU Scotland President, Andrew McCornick writes: “Scotland’s farmers and crofters will strive to ensure Scottish plates and glasses remain full of fresh, tasty food and drink throughout this crisis.
Blog In these unprecedented times the health and welfare of ourselves and our animals has never been as important. In her latest blog, Health and Welfare Policy Manager Penny Middleton looks at the biosecurity measures we need to bear in mind
Blog It is business as usual this year for CAP schemes and the Single Application Form window, that runs from 15 March to 15 May is now open! In her latest blog, NFU Scotland Policy Manager for CAP Schemes Jenny Brunton gives her top ten tips on how to get SAF 2020 right.
News NFU Scotland’s new look Milk Committee welcomed Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Tourism Fergus Ewing MSP yesterday (Thursday 12 March) to their first meeting since the AGM in February. Committee Chair Gary Mitchell thanked Mr Ewing for a very productive and proactive meeting which addressed several issues. The meeting included farmer representation from Stranraer to Orkney and Ayrshire to the Borders.
News With the Single Application Form (SAF) window now open (Sunday 15 March), NFU Scotland is encouraging crofters and farmers to prioritise filling out their forms online before the 15 May deadline.
Blog These are certainly unprecedented times, but politics and political processes continue apace. While people in key posts might change, the Union’s priorities do not. A new UK Agriculture Minister may have stepped into the role vacated by George Eustice’s promotion to Secretary of State in the February reshuffle, but that will not change our focus on the critical issues for Scottish agriculture, writes Director of Policy Jonnie Hall.
Blog NFU Scotland has welcomed the announcement that following an extended period of wet weather the Scottish government has approved a derogation for Crop Diversification(two/three crop rule) in 2020 but NFU Scotland Combinable Crops Chairman, Willie Thomson states why this rule is unsuitable for Scotland, no matter the weather.
Blog In response to coronavirus, we have taken the difficult decision to temporarily ask the membership to not hold any meetings or gatherings until further notice writes President Andrew McCornick.
News NFU Scotland have met the recently appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Victoria Prentis in Aberdeenshire today (12 March 2020).
News The Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak announced in his first Budget that there would be no increase in red diesel duty for the agriculture industry today (Wednesday 11 March).