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Hauliers helping out struggling sheep producers

Scotland’s sheep farmers have turned to the haulage industry for assistance as they continue to lamb their flocks in some of the worst weather conditions ever endured at lambing time.



New Energy Scheme FiT for Purpose

NFU Scotland has welcomed the launch of a new scheme aimed at significantly increasing the number of renewable energy projects undertaken in the UK. 



NFUS Encourages Shoppers to Head to Local Farmers’ Markets This Easter Weekend

Easter weekend is known to be one of the busiest food shopping times of the year.  Fortunately, a number of Scottish Farmers’ Markets are open for business this Saturday morning, allowing shopper’s to sample some of the best Scottish produce available. 



Plethora of Policies Prompts Calls for Simplification

NFU Scotland has called on rural policymakers, agricultural advisers and researchers to play their part in co-ordinating the plethora of policies being directed at Scotland’s farmers into simple, clear and concise messages.


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Rural Centre - West Mains
Ingliston, Midlothian
EH28 8LT

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Company Registration Number: SC214564

Tel: 0131 472 4000

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