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Political Affairs Manager's Blog - 18 June 2020

The Royal Highland Show is the pinnacle of the farming calendar for many reasons, none more so than it being a hugely social event to catch up with friends old and new writes Political Affairs Manager Clare Slipper.



Working Countryside to Welcome New Wave of People

With the second phase in lifting lockdown restrictions due, and larger groups likely to be permitted to meet outdoors, a new wave of people taking access in the countryside is expected.



Brexit Bluster Must Not Distract From Domestic Support Delivery

NFU Scotland’s President, Andrew McCornick calls for certainty and continuity for Scotland’s farmers and crofters and repeats his warning that prospect of a ‘no deal’ would be catastrophic for Scottish agriculture.



Lockdown Efforts Pay Off as Union Engagement Soars

Since the lockdown was announced on 23 March, NFU Scotland staff and officeholders have continued to use innovative ways of communicating with Union members as well as producing important messages for the general public on Scottish food and farming.



President's Blog - 17 June 2020

It’s June and there’s no Highland Show but we can still use the time to engage, plan and relax says NFU Scotland President Andrew McCornick who writes:



Vice President's Blog - 15 June 2020

Next week, NFU Scotland will begin to publish the outcomes of joint work with the Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutes (SEFARI) writes Vice President Martin Kennedy.



Scotland’s Dairy Sector to Focus on Supply Chains and Contracts as it Resets, Restarts and Recovers

As Scotland slowly eases its lockdown restrictions, Scotland’s dairy farmers are looking to build stronger supply chains and discuss milk contracts as they reset, recover and restart from the impacts of Covid-19.



Cereal and Potato Crop Updates Highlight Water Scarcity Remains a Concern

Feedback from Scotland’s arable and potato growers on the status of 2020 crops show that water scarcity remains the major issue for most.



Scotland’s Livestock Industry Must Move to Healthier Footing as it Resets, Restarts and Recovers

As Scotland slowly eases its lockdown restrictions, Scotland’s beef and lamb producers are looking to move to a heathier footing as we reset, recover and restart from the impacts of Covid-19.



Lockdown proves rewarding for Christine Cuthbertson, Ayrshire Regional Manager, and her Llama.

When Covid-19 lockdown restrictions were imposed in March and agricultural shows across the country were cancelled, many of us turned our hand to developing new skills or doing jobs about the house/farm/croft that had been needing done but weren’t top of our lists.


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