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CEO's Blog - 9 August 2017

Strong language between North Korea and the United States of America is not unusual. Some would say that the language is for the benefit of the media and the soundbite world that we live in today. Each side needs to show its strength with neither wanting to be seen to back down. It is hoped that behind the scenes quiet diplomacy is working away to find how both sides can save face and ultimately move forward.



Union Calls For Sense On Milk Price Penalties

NFU Scotland is calling on milk buyers to adopt a common-sense approach to milk price penalties as wet weather hits production hard.



Public Asked to be Patient with ‘Bangers’ During Harvest Season

Arable farmers in Scotland are explaining to those living in rural areas that bird scaring devices are a ‘noisy but necessary’ evil at harvest time.



Agricultural Vehicle Workshop to be Held in Caithness This Month

NFU Scotland is hosting two workshops in Caithness later this month to inform and educate members about keeping their agricultural vehicles fit for purpose and road legal.



New Dairy Women Network Launched at Stewartry Show

A new Dumfries and Galloway group, which encourages all women who contribute and play key roles in the dairy industry to come together and share their wisdom, produce ideas, inspire and support each other has been launched.



Land Prices and Start-Up Finance Top List of Issues for Those Entering Industry

The price of land and start-up finance are the biggest challenges for farmers and crofters entering the agricultural industry, according to NFU Scotland’s members.



ATV Safety to the Fore at Dumfries Show

NFU Scotland is supporting a safety initiative which focusses on the use of helmets for ATV users in the Dumfries and Galloway region, which is being run by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).



Members Urged to Comply with New Limited Partnership Reporting Requirements

NFU Scotland is reminding its members who operate Scottish Limited Partnerships to ensure they are compliant with new reporting requirements which will see them required to report ‘Persons with Significant Control’ (PSCs) annually to Companies House.



Farming Industry Calls for Commitments on Post-Brexit Transition

Fourteen farming organisations have come together to issue a joint statement on UK Government to provide short-term certainty for the industry as exiting the European Union and the Common Agricultural Policy draws closer.



NFUS and SCAA Relaunch Rural Emergency Initiative

A simple – yet potentially life-saving – initiative, designed to help locate ill or injured rural workers in an emergency, was championed by NFU Scotland at the Black Isle Show today (Thursday 3 August).


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Rural Centre - West Mains
Ingliston, Midlothian
EH28 8LT

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Company Registration Number: SC214564

Tel: 0131 472 4000

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