News In an extensive and comprehensive response to the consultation: ‘Stability and Simplicity: Proposals for Rural Funding Transition Period’, the Union has welcomed the Scottish Government’s intent but urged it to move the debate on quickly to the industry’s post-CAP future.
News Mid-season harvest reports from around Scotland suggest a mixed bag for Scotland’s cereal growers.
News NFU Scotland members and staff have been carrying out a shelf watch in over 50 Scottish supermarkets this week, to identify which retailers are doing their part to support Scottish sheep farmers during peak production season.
News NFU Scotland has welcomed the announcement that a National Basic Payment Support Scheme (NBPSS) has been launched, providing vital financial support for Scottish farmers, following almost a year of extreme weather conditions.
News NFU Scotland continues to press Westminster on the urgent need for a new Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme (SAWS) for workers outside the European Economic Area to be introduced as soon as possible.
Blog After attending the recent Rural Youth Ideas Festival, Next Generation Policy Manager Jenny Brunton looks at the representation and engagement of young people from farming backgrounds.
News Well-known pig producer, Kevin Gilbert, has taken the annual ‘Unsung Hero’ award, presented annually by NFU Scotland’s North East Region at Turriff Agricultural Show.
News One year on from the launch of three local projects that NFU Scotland has been the key partner, a reception was hosted at Dumfries Show on Saturday to celebrate their success and announce their next steps.
Blog It is obvious that the upturn in cereal and straw prices is a bonus to our businesses, writes Ian Sands, Chairman of NFU Scotland's Combinable Crops Committee.
News New proposals to apply a strike off procedure to agricultural limited partnerships who do not comply with annual confirmation statement requirements, have been criticised by NFU Scotland.