News From 1 March until the 31 August a closed period comes into force that places a ban on cutting and trimming hedges and trees due to cross-compliance requirements. A hedge or tree may be trimmed from 1 August if the hedge or tree is in a field which will be sown with oilseed rape, temporary grass or another crop subject to prior written consent of Scottish Ministers, where the hedge or tree is adjacent to the field being sown.
Blog The Fallacy of Robbing Peter to Pay Paul – Director of Policy Jonnie Hall discusses the dangers of pitting different sectors against each other over support.
News Following extensive work to provide protection to farmers and crofters who have suffered attacks on livestock by dogs, NFU Scotland has backed the launch of a public consultation on this issue.
News NFU Scotland has strengthened its support within Orkney and Shetland by introducing two new regional policy advisors for the islands.
News NFU Scotland officeholders attended the Ministerial debate between Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Michael Gove MP and Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy Fergus Ewing this morning (Monday 18 February).
News A Brexit deal to deliver for Scottish farming, trade, labour and future support were raised as serious concerns during a meeting with Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Michael Gove MP on Friday 15 February.
News NFU Scotland’s Horticulture Working Group Chairman, James Porter, this week appeared in front of an influential Committee of MPs in Westminster to give evidence on the UK Government’s Immigration and Social Security Coordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill.
Blog NFU Scotland’s new Next Generation Chairman, Colin Ferguson, discusses his vision for the future of Scottish agriculture and the role he is looking to play.
News A mix of old and new faces on NFU Scotland Board of Directors.
News Vice Presidential posts go to Martin Kennedy and Charlie Adam after vote