News The Membership Flame – an NFU Scotland award that recognises outstanding efforts in recruitment and retention of members - has gone to North East secretaries Tommy Brodie and Ross Silvers.
News NFU Scotland’s Chief Executive Scott Walker has used the platform at the Union’s AGM to call on farmers, crofters and growers to continue to take great pride in what they deliver to society.
News With pig prices at an eight year low, NFU Scotland is working with other organisations across the supply chain to combat that trend.
News NFU Scotland’s New Generation Committee voted Port of Mentieth farmer Mark Donald as its new chairman.
News Scottish farmers are calling on Scottish Government to immediately address the cashflow crisis in Scottish agriculture by delivering part payment to all claimants.
News Scotland’s farmers are asking the public to avoid the use of sky lanterns during Chinese New Year celebrations.
News Delayed payments, poor prices and political decisions will drive the agenda at NFU Scotland’s AGM when it meets in St Andrews next week (Thursday 11 February and Friday 12 February).
News NFU Scotland has written to the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee this week to voice its support for legislation to be broadened to enable tenants in secure tenancies to pass the farm down the family line.
News Four weeks into a new Basic Payment Scheme year and Scottish Government has failed to provide satisfactory updated guidance to Scottish farmers on greening and has done little to remove the unnecessary gold-plating it has created.
News Details on how to apply to the Scottish Government’s floodbank restoration scheme have been announced with NFU Scotland encouraging flood-hit farmers to apply to the £1 million fund.