News Red Tractor Assurance is undertaking a periodic review of farm assurance standards across multiple sectors and NFU Scotland is urging members to respond.
Blog Common-sense and practicality must be factored into proposals and inquiries into animal transport writes Vice President Charlie Adam, after more than 300 members join NFU Scotland webinars on the subject. He writes:
News Considerable interest was shown in Agri-renewables and their role in combatting climate change, as 225 NFUS members from across the country joined David and Val Smith on Friday (29 January), when they opened the virtual doors to their farming business in Cloffrickford, Aberdeenshire.
News NFU Scotland has secured a top political line up for its AGM, elections and conference, being held next week (10, 11 and 12 February).
News The UK farming unions say putting a new Dairy Code of Conduct into legislation will provide a more effective dairy supply chain in which farmers and processors can work together to ensure fairer and equitable terms for all dairy farmers, while delivering great value dairy products for consumers.
Blog Other than COVID-19, the big science news in 2020 was that the Nobel Prize in chemistry had gone to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, who discovered the technology now called Gene editing writes Prof Colin D Campbell, Chief Executive, James Hutton Institute.