News Petroineos, the only crude oil refinery in Scotland, agreed to host the meeting which included NFU Scotland, fuel suppliers, distributors, UK and Ireland Fuel Distribution Association (UKIFDA) and hauliers, following unprecedented numbers of farmers and crofters raising concern over serious fuel issues.
News NFU Scotland’s President Andrew McCornick used the annual AgriScot event, held at Ingliston today (20 November 2019) to demand that progress replaces political stagnation and uncertainty.
News A survey to assess the current mood of Scottish dairy farmers, carried out ahead of a major farming event, suggests the dairy sector in Scotland is ‘on a knife edge’.
News NFU Scotland has set out its priorities for the upcoming General Election in a manifesto issued to all political parties.
Blog There’s never been a more important time to promote our industry and the positive credentials of what we do writes President Andrew McCornick.
News NFU Scotland is reminding hill farmers and crofters that the deadline for applying to the Scottish Upland Sheep Support Scheme (SUSSS) is approaching.
News NFU Scotland members have been reporting issues with poor performance, blocked filters, low working hours before filter changes are required and injector failure, with tractors and other farm vehicles.
News Dairy farmers in the North East met with NFU Scotland and Minister for Rural Affairs and the Natural Environment, Mairi Gougeon MSP yesterday (14 November).
Blog As President of NFU Scotland I am proud to represent such a vibrant and passionate industry filled with a variety of people who are all united by their love of the countryside. Over the last decade, organisations in all sectors have made huge strides in supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees and colleagues creating an inclusive workplace.
News Agrespect is a UK-wide organisation which looks to encourage and promote inclusiveness in rural communities for LGBTQ+ people living in those communities.