News NFU Scotland has expressed major concerns at proposed changes to renewables by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
News Leading organisations representing landlords and tenants from across the country have today (27 October) launched new guidance on agreeing and recording tenant financed investments on farms in Scotland.
Blog A referendum on EU membership before the end of 2017 will be the fifth time in as many years that Scottish voters have gone to the ballot box.
News Representatives from NFU Scotland’s livestock committee are meeting with Scotland’s butchers to encourage greater sourcing of quality Scottish beef and lamb through the auction mart system.
News NFU Scotland has once again called on major retailers to increase their efforts and offer more Scottish and British lamb and follow suit of others, like Aldi, which is doubling its offering in the face of increasing consumer demand.
News Livestock research, cross compliance and animal disease are amongst the topics to be discussed as NFU Scotland’s livestock roadshows to be held at 11 locations across the country in October and November.
News NFU Scotland is taking to the road once again to hold workshops focused on agricultural and vehicle transportation issues.
News The delayed launch of Scottish Government’s guide to greening rules has seen it fail to tackle gold-plating and red tape according to NFU Scotland.
News NFU Scotland, in conjunction with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Police Scotland, is hosting a farm visit in an effort to encourage farmers to take measures to prevent rural crime.
News NFU Scotland is continuing its autumn roadshow of Renewable Development Initiative (RDI) on farm events with the next visit to Balring Farm, Mintlaw on Tuesday 27 October.