News The Farm Safety Foundation’s 2023 campaign raises awareness for risks and responsibilities associated with working in agriculture.
News NFU Scotland has welcomed the announcement from the UK Government of its intention to bring forward new contractual regulations to increase fairness and transparency in the dairy supply chain.
Blog The recent changes in supply chain infrastructure have sent shockwaves through the livestock industry. The closure of Forfar mart and more recently the acquisition of parts of Scotbeef's business by ABP mean fewer players in the marketplace.
News NFU Scotland has, this week, officially welcomed John Davidson as its new Chief Executive.
News Woodland Trust Scotland, Soil Association Scotland and NFU Scotland have called on the Scottish Government to help enable farmers and crofters to integrate trees alongside food production.
News With Scotland’s farmers and crofters committed to sustainability and the environment, NFU Scotland has called on the Scottish Government to reconsider its hardening of the green agenda if it wants Scotland to continue to address food security concerns, look after our environment and grow our economy.
News NFU Scotland is calling on UK and Scottish Governments to remove the ‘smoke and mirrors’ around future agricultural funding to deliver direction and certainty to Scotland’s farmers and crofters.
News NFU Scotland has received a categorical assurance from Scotland’s Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary, Shona Robison MSP that £33 million deferred from the agricultural budget last year will be returned to the agricultural budget this year.
Blog The acquisition of ScotBeef’s Bridge of Allan abattoir and Queenslie meat packing plant in Scotland by ABP Food Group is a significant concern for our membership writes NFU Scotland’s President, Martin Kennedy:
News Scottish farming and land management organisations are calling for Scottish Government to urgently approve the chemical Asulox for use to control Bracken, an invasive weed which poses a significant threat to biodiversity, drinking water quality, agriculture, animal welfare, and public health.