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Call for Common Sense and Clarity on Sheep EID Compliance

More than 80 Scottish sheep farmers met with Scottish Government officials last night (Wednesday, 9 November) to discuss on-farm enforcement of difficult and complex sheep identification rules.



Transport Report Relief for Scottish Livestock Farmers

Publication of a European report looking into the welfare of livestock in transit has recommended tightening up on enforcement across Europe but will not seek any further restrictions on journey times or stocking densities. 



NFUS Mission to Improve Health and Safety on Scottish Farms

Scottish farming has a frightening record on Health and Safety incidents and NFU Scotland is keen to work with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and its members to try to make Scotland’s farms safer places to work. NFU Scotland objects to the HSE proposals for cost recovery however, which it sees as disproportionate, unfair and potential destructive to the collaboration needed to generate a new culture of safety within the industry.



Union Talks CAP with Scottish Secretary

NFU Scotland’s top team have met with the Scottish Secretary of State Michael Moore today in the Houses of Parliament to discuss a broad range of subjects affecting Scottish farmers, with reform of the CAP top of the agenda.



Union Recruitment Drive goes National on 11 November

NFU Scotland will be rolling out a national recruitment day this Friday (11 November) that will see staff and officeholders out recruiting new members on farms and crofts from Orkney to Wigtownshire and Islay to Aberdeenshire. 



Illegal Egg and Pork Imports May Hit Scottish Produce

NFU Scotland is to maintain pressure on Europe to enforce and police forthcoming welfare legislation to ensure the commitment to compliance being shown by Scottish egg and pig farmers is not undermined by illegally produced eggs and pork from other parts of the EU.



NFUS Focus on Policy, Regional and Commercial Affairs

NFU Scotland has re-focussed a number of key positions within head office to build on its policy and membership services and to look at new corporate and commercial opportunities for the Union.


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NFU Scotland
Head Office
Rural Centre - West Mains
Ingliston, Midlothian
EH28 8LT

Place of registration: Scotland

Company Registration Number: SC214564

Tel: 0131 472 4000

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