News Cuts to tariffs which support farm-based renewables could undermine the huge energy generating potential of Scottish farms and hold Scotland back from reaching its world-leading energy and climate change targets.
News Scottish Government’s approach to GM risks consigning the nation’s farmers and scientific community to a technological backwater.
News Scottish farmers continue to be let down by Scottish Government’s failure to address gold-plated rules around Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) scheme greening measures while Europe’s delivery of CAP simplification, scheduled to come into force in 2017, is disappointingly ponderous.
News NFU Scotland’s Sutherland branch presented its chairman, Malcolm McCall of Brora, with a 12-year-old bottle of whisky to mark his 12 years in the post at its recent annual general meeting.
News NFU Scotland continues to engage with tenant members on the devolution of Crown Estates, allowing them to air their views for future management options.
News Battery storage is recognised as the ‘next big thing’ in the renewable energy sector.
News Farmers are being offered the chance to see the first ‘gas to grid’ farm-based renewables project being installed in Fife.
News NFU Scotland believes that for farm businesses the overall benefits of staying in the European Union (EU) currently outweigh any advantages businesses would gain from leaving the EU.
News Agriculture is unique. It supplies food, stores carbon and generates renewable energy. Farming is on the frontline of climate change impacts, being particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events.
News NFU Scotland has seized the initiative on making necessary changes to gold-plated greening rules in Scotland following the Cabinet Secretary Richard Lochhead’s offer of revisiting existing arrangements.