News The growing incidence of cattle psoroptic mange – the bovine equivalent of Sheep Scab – has prompted NFU Scotland to call for the disease to be made notifiable to prevent it getting a grip in Scottish herds.
News The perseverance and diligence shown by Great Britain’s livestock farmers and other industry stakeholders have seen the country regains its Bluetongue-free status.
News NFU Scotland is deeply disappointed that the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is to proceed with low level increases in the tariffs available to those looking to generate energy from anaerobic digestion. Failure to significantly increase the rates now threatens to stifle the potential that the technology offers to Scotland.
News Following the annual meeting of the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board (SAWB) yesterday (Wednesday 8 June) it is being proposed that the minimum agricultural wage increases by 2.5% from 1 October 2011 and that agricultural workers be given an extra day’s holiday. The SAWB will meet again on 19 August to decide whether its proposals for increases in wage rates from 1 October 2011 will go ahead.
News A delegation from NFU Scotland is in Kenya to view first hand the challenges that face pastoral farming and agriculture in the country and identify if the Union can contribute to ongoing improvements to farming in the region in the future.
News NFU Scotland has welcomed the announcement today (3 June 2011) that the Brechin abattoir in Angus will now be used for slaughtering pigs, as Tulip and A P Jess enter into a long term contract in the East of Scotland.
News Richard Lochhead has travelled to the Mitchell family’s farm at Castleton, Laurencekirk to see the damage caused by last week’s storms to Scotland’s valuable soft fruit sector first hand. NFU Scotland took the opportunity to speak with Mr Lochhead about a number of points they believe could help this vital Scottish industry continue to flourish in future.
News NFU Scotland has met with Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the nation’s Environment Minister to plot out a positive future for food, farming and farm-based energy generation.
News NFU Scotland has launched a partnership with Norvite today (1 June 2011) that will see members benefit from a discount on all minerals manufactured by the Aberdeenshire based company.
News A delegation from NFU Scotland has received important reassurances over availability of distillery by-products to livestock farmers in the North East after a meeting with representatives of Helius CoRDe Ltd.