News Industry leaders are calling on all landlords and tenants to adhere to new guidance being issued jointly by NFUS, SLE and STFA.
News Scottish farmers and crofters are being reminded that from Thursday (26 November) significant changes to who can purchase and use pesticides will come into force.
News All those who live in Scotland’s countryside are being urged by NFU Scotland to take up the offer of a free home fire safety check this winter.
News NFU Scotland is contacting abattoirs and processors this week to gain clarity on how “maximum moves rules” are to be applied to cattle.
News Scotland’s farmers face a payment run lottery after the Scottish Government finally announced its plans for delivering CAP support.
News An innovative community hydro energy project on Edinburgh’s doorstep is opening its doors as part of Scotland’s leading farm renewables programme.
News NFU Scotland has written to the lead committee in the Scottish Parliament urging them to support the withdrawal of plans to introduce a new Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) in Dumfries and Galloway.
News Scotland’s farmers have called on the Scottish public to have a happy – but lantern-free – bonfire night this week.
News Newton Stewart dairy farmer Ian Service will open his doors to farmers and the renewables community for the third – and final – time next week (Thursday, 12 November).
News Farmers in Scotland who operate with abnormal or wide loads will now be able to use a new dedicated single point of contact.