News NFU Scotland is to use its regular slot at next week’s AgriScot event (Wednesday 16 November) to drive discussion with the membership on the priorities for Scottish farming in the challenging times ahead.
News In October, the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy launched a Call for Evidence on the case for the extension of the Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA).
News NFU Scotland is urging the Government to provide clarity on when applicants to Scotland’s new Beef Efficiency Scheme are going to receive the tags necessary to meet scheme rules.
News Farmers from the East Central region will be taking to their local Aldi store at Perth this weekend to encourage shoppers to support the industry and buy Scottish produce available on their doorsteps.
News NFU Scotland and rural charity RSABI have joined forces to encourage farmers, crofters and those working in the agricultural industry to take part in a pilot study by University of Glasgow.
News The importance of protecting and maintaining Scotland’s unique farming industry in the Brexit negotiations has been highlighted at NFU Scotland’s first meeting with the UK Government’s Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Andrea Leadsom MP.
News NFU Scotland is now taking nominations for the positions of President and its two Vice Presidential posts.
News “It is essential for the food and farming sector to maintain full, unfettered access to the single market while having continued access to a flexible, competent and reliable workforce.”
News Industry bodies representing agricultural landlords and tenants from across Scotland have today (1 November) launched new guidance to help landlords deal with situations where tenants fall behind with their rent.
News The agricultural industry must embrace the opportunities and rise to the challenges for a vibrant future, NFU Scotland’s President Allan Bowie told the Union’s Autumn Conference today (Friday 28 October).