News Kate Hopper joined NFU Scotland this week, taking on the role of Policy Manager for Climate Change.
News National webinar on 13 October to be followed by series of regional meetings
NFU Scotland is to undertake a series of online and face-to-face meetings ahead of responding to the Scottish Government consultation on how the nation transitions to a new agricultural policy.
News Results to a Scottish Government survey on the rent review process suggest there is a positive platform around which improvements can be built after more than a thousand tenant farmers responded.
News NFU Scotland is calling on farmers to fill out a short-life survey on the well documented labour crisis in the industry ahead of its response to a UK Government call for evidence, that closes at the end of next week.
News Scottish cattle keepers are being reminded that major changes to the registration and movement system for cattle take place this weekend and that the ScotEID helpline for assistance is 01466 794323 or email
News Reports from around the country suggest Scotland’s 2021 harvest has been relatively straight forward due to long spells of dry weather, and many parts are ahead of schedule and already finished with autumn planting.
News NFU Scotland has welcomed the UK Government announcement of short-term visas for 5000 HGV and 5500 poultry workers but called on it to go further if it is to tackle the labour crisis on Scottish farms and in the wider Scottish food and drink sector.
News NFU Scotland is calling on NatureScot to reverse its decision to end valuable financial support for managing the damaging numbers of geese found on many Scottish islands.
News NFU Scotland has welcomed the announcement that, from autumn 2021, there will be an automatic ability for those with a full car driving licence to tow a trailer with a car without an additional test.
News The announcement of further delays to post-Brexit import checks on agri-food products coming from the EU is a bitter blow to Scottish farmers and the nation’s food and drink sector.