News With Scottish pig prices at an eight-year low, some of Scotland’s major retailers must go further to support the Scottish pig sector through troubled times.
News NFU Scotland has submitted fresh evidence to the Auditor General for Scotland on the Scottish Government’s IT programme at the centre of Scotland’s failure to deliver support payments to farmers and crofters.
News Farmers whose floodbanks were damaged in the winter 2015/16 storms, and who lie within one of nine eligible local authorities, are being urged to apply for a grant from the Agricultural Floodbank Repair Grant Scheme before it closes on 29 February 2016.
News Despite promises of progress, Scottish Government’s calamitous delivery of support payments to farmers and crofters continues.
News The start gun has been fired on the referendum that will decide the UK’s future place in Europe.
News Details on the Scottish Government’s Hardship Scheme, announced by Cabinet Secretary Richard Lochhead last week at NFU Scotland’s AGM have been announced.
News The Presidents of the four UK farming unions- NFU Scotland, NFU, NFU Cymru and Ulster Farmers Union met in Brussels today (Friday 19 February) to discuss the steps needed to help the farming sector deal with growing cash flow difficulties.
News Promotional events at three Aldi stores will be taking place over the next few weeks to engage with consumers and promote Scottish produce.
News Following last week’s AGM in St Andrews, Fife, NFU Scotland has a new look to its Board of Directors.
News The announcement by the Chemicals Regulation Directorate that authorisations for products containing chlorpyrifos will be revoked within a matter of weeks will rob Scotland’s farmers of important plant protection products.