Union President makes final plea to members as NatureScot’s public consultation draws to a close.
NFU Scotland President Martin Kennedy has asked members to complete the Union’s Galloway National Park survey, ahead of its closing date. The survey, due to end on Sunday 26 January, will form an official response to the public consultation by NatureScot, who are acting as reporter for Scottish Government.
The Union has been aware that the majority of its members oppose a new National Park since the early stages of its proposal. In a previous member survey by the Union, 73% of almost 2,000 respondents were against the bid. It has therefore, maintained a clear opposing stance throughout the consultation and has engaged closely with NatureScot to ensure the debate accurately represents all views.

In a video address to members, Mr Kennedy said the plans were “no way a done deal” and stressed the importance of respectful discussion from both sides of the debate.
He said: “I fully understand the concerns out there about the proposal for another National Park in the southwest of Scotland. This is in no way a done deal and it’s absolutely vital that all those who are going to be affected have their views heard.
“There are still some meetings by NatureScot to be held in the area and I would encourage all those who can, to make their views known in a respectful manner. It is important they hear first-hand, all of your concerns.
“NFU Scotland has been working extremely hard on your behalf to make sure this is a fair consultation. Our own survey will remain open until the 26th of January, please take the time to complete this as it will feed in to NatureScot’s consultation which closes on the 14th of February.
“Feeding into both our survey and the consultation itself will ensure a proper and fair representation from the area is fully taken onboard.
“Thank you.”
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