Lauren Worrell Joins NFU Scotland as Regional Manager for Argyll and The Islands

Lauren will take over from Lucy Sumsion while she is on secondment  

Lauren Worrell is joining the NFU Scotland team, taking over the role of Regional Manager for Argyll and the Islands.

Lauren grew up on a hill farm in Perthshire and moved to Argyll after graduating from SRUC Auchincruive and Riverside Campus with an honours degree in Activity Tourism Management. For the past eight years she has worked as a Sales Executive at the NFU Mutual office in Oban. Lauren and her partner have a hill farm in Kilmore (near Oban) where they raise sheep and cattle. She has extensive knowledge of the area and has already met with a number of NFU Scotland members on their farms.

Looking at her new role within NFU Scotland, Lauren said: “I am very aware of the current challenges and opportunities facing the industry. I look forward to getting out into the region to meet members, hear your views, and ensure that we get maximum input from you on these many important issues.”

“Like so many people within the rural sector I am dyslexic which has presented me with a few challenges throughout my career. However, I look forward to channelling my strengths and experience to benefit the members across both the region I represent, and the wider NFU Scotland membership. Please contact me with any concerns by phone or via email. I am looking forward to meeting you all over the coming weeks and months.”

Commenting on Lauren’s appointment NFU Scotland’s Director of Regions, James Buchanan, said: “I am pleased to welcome Lauren to the NFU Scotland Regional Team as our new Regional Manager for Argyll and the Islands.”

“Through her work with NFU Mutual Lauren has a good understanding of how diverse the region is, and how passionate the members there are about agriculture. Coming from a farming background, Lauren is very aware of the current challenges and opportunities facing the industry. Her experience will be of huge benefit to members across the region.”

Lauren is taking over the role from Lucy Sumsion who is on secondment to the Scottish Government for 23 months to work in a team leading on tenant farming and Women in Agriculture, focused on increasing equality of opportunity within Scottish agriculture.

On Lucy’s departure, James Buchanan added: “Lucy said goodbye to her colleagues and members in early April after 13 years with NFU Scotland. There will not be many members in Argyll and the Islands region who have not spoken to and worked with Lucy over the years.”

“Lucy has always ensured that the regional board is familiar with Union policy, and that the views and opinions from the region are well known and documented across the rest of NFU Scotland.”

“We wish Lucy well for the future and hope that she remains available to help her former colleagues at NFU Scotland should the need arise in the future.”


Contact Ruth Oxborrow on 07823 556253

Author: Ruth Oxborrow

Date Published:

News Article No.: 27/22

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