Argyll Farmers to Meet Prospective MPs

The Argyll Region of NFU Scotland is to host a hustings meeting for the four main local candidates ahead of the general election.

The meeting will give members of NFU Scotland the chance to quiz the candidates and hear what they would propose to do to assist the development of agriculture and the rural economy in the next few years.

The meeting will be held on Friday 16th April 2010 from 2pm till 5pm in the Templars Hall, Tarbert and is open to all members of NFU Scotland.

Bert Leitch, chairman of Argyll and Islands Regional Board said:

“Although we have devolution in Scotland and our own parliament, Westminster still controls many of the issues and budgets that affect farming and the rural economy. It is vital that we have an MP for Argyll with a strong interest in promoting agriculture and the rural economy.  This hustings meeting will give the main candidates the opportunity to set out their stall and justify why they are the best candidate for our area.  The meeting will also give our members the opportunity to test the awareness amongst the candidates of the main issues affecting our industry”.


  • The candidates attending the meeting are:

            Alan Reid, Scottish Liberal Democrats

            Mike McKenzie, Scottish National Party

            Gary Mulvaney, Scottish Conservatives

            David Graham, Scottish New Labour

  • The press will be welcome at the meeting, but please confirm your attendance to the chairman (via Euan Warnock t: 01631 567036) prior to the meeting.


Contact Euan Warnock on 01631 567036


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