Crucial Form-Filling Deadline Days Away

NFU Scotland is reminding all farmers and crofters that crunch time is fast approaching for them to submit their annual application form for Scotland’s various support schemes.

The Union adds that all claimants should deliver their completed Single Application Form (SAF) - either through Rural Payments Online or to their local SGRPID area office - on or before Wednesday, 15 May 2013 to receive full payments.

Accurate completion of the SAF form is crucial if farmers and crofters are claiming support under the Single Farm Payment Scheme (SFPS), Scottish Beef Scheme (SBS), Land Managers Options (LMO), Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (LFASS), or Rural Development Contracts - Rural Priorities (RDC-RP).

NFU Scotland’s Director of Policy and Regions, Jonnie Hall said:

“This has been such a difficult spring for all Scotland’s farmers and crofters that it would be easy to forget that the SAF form deadline of 15 May is only days away. However, in a difficult year like this, the support available through the various schemes could be increasingly important to many farm businesses.  Finding some time to ensure your application form is completed accurately and submitted on or before the deadline would be time well spent.

“The onus remains on the applicant to ensure all the relevant information is provided on the forms and that it is accurate.  This is always a concern and a worry for many but the sooner farmers start the process of completing their forms, the sooner any queries or issues will arise, allowing time to approach SGRPID if clarification is needed.

“Given that the SAF is the claim form for SFPS, LFASS and RDC-RP annual recurrent options, and the land declarations for the area-based options of the LMO, it is hugely important.  All Scottish producers seeking support via these schemes know that and can play their part by filling out forms as accurately as possible, thereby significantly reducing the risk of either payment reductions or penalties.”   

Notes to Editors

  • The Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS): Single Application Form (SAF) 2013 must be submitted by those who wish to claim and be paid under the Single Farm Payment Scheme (SFPS), Scottish Beef Scheme (SBS), Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (LFASS), Land Managers' Options (LMO) and Rural Priorities – Rural Development Contracts annual recurrent options.
  • For more information about applying online go to or phone 0845 601 7597 (open Monday to Friday during office hours). Enquiries about SAF paper applications will be dealt with through the 16 SGRPID area offices based across Scotland.
  • The deadline for a SAF to be submitted either online or to an area office if you are to avoid a late claim reduction is Wednesday, May 15 2013.
  • May 15 2013 is also the last day for SGRPID to receive your LMO application and no applications will be received after this date.
  • May 31 2013 is the last day SGRPID can accept amendments or additions to your SAF (providing SGRPID received your SAF on or before 15 May) without reducing your payments.
  • The final deadline for SGRPID to receive your SAF is Monday, 10 June 2013.  The SAF can be accepted between May 16 and June 10 but payments will be reduced for all schemes covered by the SAF by 1 percent for each working day it is late. The SAF cannot be accepted if received after 10 June.
  • June 10 2013 is also the last day in which you can nominate or change which currency you wish to receive payment in – Sterling or Euro.
  • If you have made changes to your land, business or contact details, since you submitted your SAF 2012, or you make changes between 16 May 2013 and 15 May 2014, you must tell SGRPID about them by filling in and returning a Land and Business Change Form.
  • If you are posting your SAF/LMO (2) to SGRPID ensure that you have paid the correct postage.  It is your responsibility to ensure SGRPID receives your SAF/LMO (2) on time. 


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Date Published:

News Article No.: 65/13

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