Farmers Urged to Provide Data on this Winter’s Losses

NFU Scotland is urging its members to provide the union with information on how the severe winter has affected their businesses. The union has devised a short survey which is available to all its members requesting information on the additional livestock feed costs incurred this winter as well as lamb losses and damage done to crops and grass.

NFU Scotland will use the information it gathers to compile a body of evidence which it can use in discussion with the EU and the Scottish Government to press the case for the importance of support for Scottish agriculture.

The survey is being sent out via e-mail to NFUS members and is also available by clicking here.  The survey will also be posted out to all NFUS members in the next edition of the Scottish Farming Leader.

NFU Scotland’s Policy Director, Scott Walker, says:

“This has been one of the hardest winters on record and the purpose of this survey is to gauge what the impact of it has been.   There were horrendous snowfalls in late December with snow remaining on the ground for many weeks and then this was followed by snow, sleet and torrential driving rain across many parts of Scotland in late March and early April.  

“Anecdotally we know that this combination has meant many farmers will have incurred much additional expense in providing large quantities of additional feed for stock over the past few months and may have lost many ewes and lambs.   Now we need to quantify these costs and losses and determine where they have occurred.  In addition we want to assess the level of damage to grassland and crops.  We need this evidence to use in our armoury in discussions with Europe and with the Scottish Government on the importance of continued support for agriculture.”


  • Below is a copy of the survey which NFUS members are being invited to complete.
  • Responses should be sent to Catherine Ronald at NFUS Head Office, e:, f: 0131 472 4010, post: NFU Scotland, Rural Centre, West Mains, Ingliston, Newbridge, EH28 8LT by Friday 14 May. 





NFUS Membership Number


LFA Area (yes or no)


LFA Designation (Very fragile, fragile or standard)


Number of Breeding Cattle


Number of Breeding Sheep






Spend on bought in feed


Spend on bought in feed


Spend on bought in bedding


Spend on bought in bedding


Total number of dead lambs


Total number of dead lambs


Number of deaths you believe is down to the  winter conditions


Number of deaths you believe is down to the  winter conditions


Total number live lambs


Total number live lambs


Non compensated costs incurred as a result of damage to farm buildings


Non compensated costs incurred as a result of damage to farm buildings


Can you describe any damage that has been done to grass or crops on your farm by the winter weather i.e. reseeding etc




Contact Sarah Anderson on 0131 472 4108

Date Published:

News Article No.: 66/10

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