Future Farmer award winners (2009), Peelham Farm, together with The Elizabeth Murray Trust and Triodos Bank, are hosting a farm open-day on Friday 15 October which will look at the challenging issues of ‘Sustainable Farming for a Profitable Future’.
The partners will be joined by NFUS President, Jim McLaren and David Cousland of Triodos Bank. While the objective of the day is to generate discussions in the field, there will also be short presentations from David Cousland and Jonnie Hall, NFUS Head of Rural Policy, focussing on Peelham’s experience in the context of profitability, EU policy and food security.
The day will include a generous spread of Peelham’s lamb, pork and beef!
Places are free with thanks to The Elizabeth Murray Trust and will be limited to 50 participants. For tickets and programme please email info@peelham.co.uk or telephone 01890 781328.
Denise Daly Walton, who runs Peelham farm with her husband Chris and Amanda Cayley said:
“As last year’s winners of the Future Farmer Award we are opening our gates to other farmers, land managers and land-based stakeholders for an insight into our experiences of farming with sustainable objectives.
“At Peelham we run conventional enterprises with an unconventional approach. Each of these enterprises will be considered and discussed on the farm: cattle, including ‘ruby’ veal, sheep, including mutton, rare-breed outdoor pigs and the farm butchery. The importance of marketing for direct selling and the generation of renewable energy will also be discussed.”
- The Future Farmer Award is an initiative funded by the Elizabeth Murray Trust. NFU Scotland gives practical support. Each year a trailblazing Scottish farmer will be given a cash prize plus additional support to help them promote their ideas to other farmers and land managers.
The award aims to showcase ways in which Scotland can produce food, fibre and wood products from farms and crofts in a commercially viable way while maintaining the natural capital of the land and minimising the ecological footprint of farming activities.
Anyone farming in Scotland who is keen to inspire others to try practical ideas for improving sustainability is eligible for the award. Direct applications and nominations are accepted. - For more information visit www.futurefarmer.org.uk.
- Peelham Farm is a 680-acre mixed enterprise farm ranging in height from 300 to 700 feet, on grade 2 and 3 land. It is certified as organic by the Scottish Organic Producers Association. Peelham farm was highly commended in the Quality Food Awards 2009 and was named as one of the 2008 Countryfile Local Food Heroes. It was also a 2010 finalist in the innovations sector of the Scottish Borders Business Excellence awards.
- Triodos Bank only finances enterprises which create social, environmental or cultural added value. Transparency is a core value: customers are informed about the bank's lending and can target their savings to particular areas of investment. A range of personal savings accounts is offered, and full banking services are available for businesses and charities. Triodos Bank in Scotland is based from its office in central Edinburgh, which covers the whole of Scotland and the North East England, as far south as Tees Valley. Triodos Bank works with some of Scotland’s most progressive businesses and charities, from community based social projects, fair trade enterprises, organic food and farming to renewable energy companies. A competitive range of savings and investment accounts are available to individuals, charities and businesses. Total lending in Scotland exceeds £40 million. The Scottish loan book makes up for 15% of the UK loan book and continues to grow. http://www.triodos.co.uk/
Contact Sarah Anderson on 0131 472 4108