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Union addresses fringe event at Scottish Labour Party Conference in DundeeThe upcoming Good Food Nation Bill is a prime opportunity to ensure that food producers are more empowered within the supply chain to help deliver on new ambitions for the growth of the food and drink sector.At a fringe event facilitated by Colin Smyth MSP, Shadow Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Connectivity Political Affairs Manager Clare Slipper told delegates: “Retail sales of Scottish brands have risen by 37 Per Cent in the last few years and internationally, exports of Scottish food and drink products have surpassed £5billion. That is a great success story but, as Scottish farm incomes figures show, there is a disconnect from field to fork.“The Good Food Nation Bill is an opportunity to address some of the bad economics that are at play within the food and drink supply chain. It is also an opportunity to recognise that in Scotland we also have a looming public health disaster with obesity and health statistics.“The Bill must do its utmost to promote the fact that the clear majority of Scottish food and drink is sustainable, healthy and nutritious and engage consumers, young and old, on the food production system and how to make healthy choices all the way through life. That presents the whole Scottish food chain with the opportunity to build a Good Food Nation which uses every opportunity to advocate the health benefits of fresh, locally sourced food, both in the home and through public procurement. in Scotland’s public places. “Farmers and crofters want to play their part. As a country we can also do much better at supporting our Scottish producers at home. That is why NFU Scotland is calling for the Good Food Nation Bill to introduce a mandatory target for central and local government food procurement.“Our vision has received the backing of major players in Scotland’s food industry butwe also need the buy-in of the public who are ultimately the consumers of our world-class produce.” Notes to Editors
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006
Author: Bob Carruth
Date Published: 09/03/2018
News Article No.: 38/18
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A dairy farmer’s son, I joined NFU Scotland in 1999 after 13 years as an agricultural journalist. Following spells as a regional manager and policy lead on milk, livestock and animal health and welfare, I became Communications Director in 2008.
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