NFU Scotland has called for goose management policy in Scotland to be revived to reflect the significant levels of damage being done to agricultural and crofting land not currently covered by the existing goose management schemes.
The call was made as the Union staged a national membership workshop in Stirling today (Tuesday, 23 March) to discuss further the Scottish Government’s 2010 Review of the National Goose Management Policy.
The Union believes that the seven Local Goose Management Schemes (LGMS) currently operating in Scotland have allowed land in these areas to be managed in a way that recognises the conservation value attached to the high concentrations of geese that are found grazing these parts. As such, the local schemes and their associated budgets must be preserved.
However, consultation with members has highlighted that large populations of geese on farmland outside the existing schemes are now doing significant damage and the Union has called for options and resources to be found to assist with management in such areas.
The Union’s Head of Rural Policy, Jonnie Hall said:
“The existing local schemes have enabled our farmers and crofters to go about the job of growing crops and rearing livestock whilst also managing their land in the interests of the species of geese that are deemed most valuable in conservation terms. We are firmly of the opinion that there continues to be a need to retain those local schemes in their existing locations and with their existing budget maintained.
“However, we are increasingly concerned by the significant agricultural damage being carried out by geese grazing around Scotland in places as far apart as mainland Orkney, Caithness, Isle of Mull and parts of Dumfries and Galloway. These areas are outwith existing LGM schemes and affected farmers have no direct access to funding or management measures. We are therefore equally adamant that this Scottish Government review of goose management must put measures and funding in place to deal with this growing problem.
“Our preferred option to assist those producers in non-scheme areas troubled by geese is the development of an appropriate non-competitive ‘grassland management for geese’ option under the Land Managers’ Options scheme within the Scotland Rural Development Programme. Creating such an option should be a priority for the Scottish Government.
“This twin-track approach, using the existing LGMSs and new LMOs, has the potential to effectively tackle significant goose management issues for all affected farmers and crofters no matter the location in Scotland.”
Notes to editors
- NFU Scotland’s membership workshop on the 2010 Review of National Goose Management Policy Review was held today (Tuesday, 23 March) at United Auctions Mart, Stirling. The Union submitted its initial comments on the 2010 Review of National Goose Management Policy in Scotland to the Scottish Government in January.
- There are now seven Local Goose Management Schemes (LGMS) in Scotland. These are: Islay, Kintyre, Solway, Loch of Strathbeg, South Walls (Orkney), Tiree & Coll, and Uists. The aim is to help integrate productive farming with the conservation of wild geese and their grazing on farm and crofting land. The schemes are predominantly targeted at populations of protected species, such as wintering Greenland white-fronted geese and wintering barnacle geese, though greylag geese are the targeted species in some areas. However, there is little or nothing available to farmers or crofters in areas out with LGMSs frequented by significant goose populations and that endure considerable agricultural damage.
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006