Kelvin to Lead Union’s Lothian and Borders Region

NFU Scotland’s Lothian and Borders region has a new chairman as Gifford farmer Kelvin Pate takes on the role.

Selkirk branch member Sion Williams, Eckford Farming, Bowhill remains regional Vice Chairman with well-known pig producer Robin Traquair, Wellington, Millerhill filling the other Vice Chairman’s role vacated by Kelvin.

Kelvin, who farms at Aikeyside near Gifford with his wife Wendy and three sons, has been an officeholder in the Union for more than a decade, including a spell as chairman of his local East Lothian branch. He has previously represented the region on the Livestock and Legal and Technical committees, and chaired the Livestock committee between 2007 and 2009.  

Aikeyside is a 360-acre unit, part of which is classified Less Favoured Area, and is run along with 200 acres of grass rented on an annual basis. He has 800 ewes and 45 suckler cows producing Angus and Charolais calves. The farm grows 800 bales of hay/silage and 40 acres of spring barley all of which is under sown with a catch crop of Italian rye grass.

Speaking after his appointment, Kelvin said “With Brexit looming, Scottish and UK agriculture is facing its biggest challenge since joining the EEC in 1973.  

“There are a lot of uncertainties and I am looking forward to being part of what NFU Scotland does best - informing the decision-makers and fighting the corner of all farming sectors to get the best possible result for Scottish agriculture going forward.

“Securing the right trade deal is vital.  We cannot farm if we have nowhere to sell our produce and that loss of production would have far reaching ramifications, not just for the economy but the countryside as well.  Active farming does far more for the environment than farmers ever get credit for.”   

Notes to Editors

  • A picture of Lothian & Borders Region’s newly elected Chairman Kelvin Pate is available on request from


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Date Published:

News Article No.: 10/17

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