Elaine Robertson from NFU Scotland’s Keith Branch, has left to pursue new interests after 33 years.
Elaine, a well-known personality with the North East farming community, was presented with a number of gifts from NFU Scotland members on her last day in the office (Friday 25 September) including an engraved silver tea tray, a set of oak book shelves, and an Angela Davidson limited addition print called ‘Contentment’.

Elaine started work with the agency when she was a teenager, she left school to work in a solicitors’ office in Banff, but in her own words, she decided that knitting was not a career path she was looking to take any further, so the law profession’s loss was a gain for the NFU Scotland, and she started in 1987 as a young fresh faced office assistance for the agent at the time Alan Meldrum. She progressed to be an agent around five years later when the office expanded, working at that time for Eddie Moir. She has worked at the Keith Office since then.
In 2012, Elaine received a long-service award for 20 years with NFU Scotland and in 2015 was awarded the Union’s highest accolade, the Miskelly Award, recognising her commitment to the role and going above and beyond to serve and assist members.
Fellow Keith Branch Agent, Richard Thompson commented; “I always describe Elaine as the person you need in an emergency, she is level headed and practical and has this great ability to sort a problem in a relaxed matter a fact way. It has been a privilege to work with Elaine and I wish her well as she leaves to spend time with her family and embark on a foot care course.”
Presenting the leaving gifts to Elaine was long standing Banffshire member and close friend, Jo Durno, who said: “I’ve known Elaine for many years, in fact I was on the interview panel when she applied for the job! She has always been 100 per cent dedicated to her work, and in anything she gets involved with. She is totally committed to anything she takes on, nothing is half hearted. She will no doubt transfer this approach to her new ventures and make a huge success of them.”
Notes to editors
- Photograph: Elaine Robertson (left) with her Angela Davidson print called ‘Contentment’ and Jo Durno (right)
- The Miskelly Award was established in memory of John Miskelly, who served as Regional Manager with the Union and was an inspirational figure through his dedication and support to the agricultural Industry. It was kindly given by John’s family following his death in 2006.
Contact Diana McGowan on 07920 018619