Most Extensive Display of Renewables Technology at Borders Open Day

NFU Scotland’s ground-breaking Renewables Development Initiative (RDI) is giving Scottish farmers the chance to view the most extensive display of renewable technologies to be seen on one farm.

Borders farmer Iver Salvesen has invested in a wide range of renewable energy projects in recent years at his 600 acre unit near Stow, Galashiels and will open his gates to fellow farmers at 9.30am on Tuesday 27 January.  

On the electricity generating side of things, he has two 5kW and one 2.5kW wind turbines and is currently considering an 800kW wind turbine installation.  He also has 6kW of solar PV from two installed systems with a 30kW system to be developed shortly.

On the heat generating side of things, he has two 20 tube solar thermal systems installed as well as a 16kW ground source heat pump and a 200kW biomass system which serves multiple properties.  In addition, he also makes his own biodiesel from oilseed rape.

These varied technologies serve his farmhouse, office, vehicles and several surrounding cottages.

The visit is part of the Union’s three-year RDI project, designed to provide sound, independent advice to farmers and land managers across Scotland on renewable energy.  Through a programme of on-farm events, co-ordinated by Thomas McMillan of Smiths Gore, the initiative has already shown hundreds of Scottish farmers energy projects that are contributing to farm businesses or are at the planning stage.  On-farm days held in 2014 looked at wind, solar, biomass, gasification, hydro, biodiesel, heat pumps and anaerobic digestion.  Workshops built around the events have brought in experts to cover elements such as finance, construction, grid connection and community schemes.

A further RDI event will be held in Ellon, Aberdeenshire on Thursday 19 February when Alastair Sinclair will discuss his anaerobic digester.

Notes to Editors

  • A photograph of Iver Salvesen is available on request from
  • For more information about the Renewables Development Initiative please visit our website:
  • The following RDI event is scheduled for February.
    • 19 February 2015 - Anaerobic Digestion - Alastair Sinclair, Ellon This single tank 500kWe Biogest thermophilic Anaerobic Digester is owned and operated by the Sinclair’s. The AD plant is fed on a mixture of slurry, rye grass silage and whole crop silage from the Sinclair’s farm and his neighbour’s. Digestate from the plant is spread on nearby fields, helping them deal with NVZ issues. The open day will give you an opportunity to hear from Alastair Sinclair in terms of his technology choice and the challenges that he’s encountered in securing grid connection and getting the plant built and operational.
  • If farmers would like to book a space at any event call Rebecca on 0131 344 0888 or email:
  • If any media would like to attend either of these events, please contact


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Date Published:

News Article No.: 12/15

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