New Chair for Voluntary Initiative in Scotland

Amy Geddes to take over from Dave Bell on group that encourages responsible use of plant protection products. 

Angus-based Amy Geddes is to take over the chair of a valuable industry-led initiative in Scotland that promotes the responsible use of plant protection products through Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

Amy is a fourth-generation farmer at Wester Braikie Farms near Arbroath. In partnership with her parents, they farm 320 hectares (ha) of seed potatoes, spring barley, winter oilseed rape, wheat and vining peas. Amy joined the Board at Scottish Agronomy in 2022 and is currently co-vice chair of NFUS Combinable Crops committee. Amy is a supporter and keen volunteer for the Royal Highland Education Trust and enjoys hosting visitors on farm to learn about food and farming and the countryside.

As well as representing NFUS at the UK level strategy group, Amy will lead on the Voluntary Initiative (VI) in Scotland, representing Scottish interests at the UK Voluntary Initiative – a body which encourages the responsible use of plant protection products (PPPs), also known as pesticides, to help ensure that every farmer and grower places IPM at the heart of decision making on farm. 

Commenting on her appointment, Amy said: “I am looking forward to continuing and building on the work by the Scottish VI and retiring chair Dave Bell. Through the Scottish VI, we will continue to promote best practice, grow awareness of IPM and strengthen relationships across the industry and partners.”

The Scottish VI works to reduce the risks of pesticide pollution and to mitigate diffuse pollution risks; works with landowners to protect and increase habitats for pollinators, including bees and farmland birds, and continues to promote best practice and the responsible use of pesticides through different accreditation schemes, training, and practical tools to protect water and the wider environment. 

Amy’s appointment also comes with the news that NFUS Vice President Andrew Connon is now representing the Scottish VI at a UK VI Board Level. Commenting on his appointment, Andrew said: “As well as promoting best practice, the Scottish VI has an important role in preventing over-regulation of pesticide use within our industry. 

“It will also support the priorities of our Combinable Crops committee and Potatoes and Horticultural working groups as we look to preserve the range of active ingredients available in our plant protection products. Having all the tools in the toolbox will be important in the production of safe, nutritious and healthy crops in the future.

“I look forward to working with Amy to further develop this important area for NFU Scotland members.”  


Contact Emy Dyer on 07823 556253

Author: Emy Dyer

Date Published:

News Article No.: 32/23

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New Chair for Voluntary Initiative in Scotland

Fife farmer David Bell to take over from Andrew Moir on group that encourages responsible use of plant protection products

Fife grower David Bell is to take over the chairmanship of a valuable industry-led initiative in Scotland that promotes the responsible use of plant protection products through IPM (Integrated Pest Management).

David Bell, from Fairfield Farms, Colinsburgh, is the current Vice-Chair of NFU Scotland’s Combinable Crops committee and AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds Board member.  

He will lead on the Voluntary Initiative (VI) in Scotland, representing Scottish interests at the UK Voluntary Initiative – a body which encourages the responsible use of plant protection products (PPPs) and ensures that every farmer and grower places IPM at the heart of decision making on farm, including the responsible use of PPPs.

The Scottish VI works to reduce the risks of PPP pollution and mitigate diffuse pollution risks, works with landowners to protect and increase habitats for pollinators including bees and farmland birds, and continues to promote best practice and the responsible use of PPPs through different accreditation schemes, training, and practical tools to protect the wider environment.

Working alongside the UK VI, key successes have included the establishment of a National Register of Sprayer Operators (NRoSO) and the National Sprayer Testing Scheme.

Mr Bell takes over the chair of the Scottish VI from Andrew Moir, Thornton Mains, Laurencekirk, who has held the chair since March 2015.

Commenting on his appointment, David Bell said: “The VI has increased farmer awareness of the good stewardship needed when working with plant protection products.

“This has not only helped the environment but also demonstrated why growers can and must be trusted with an effective range of such products and tools to ensure high quality food can be grown efficiently in the face of growing pressures from disease, pests and a diminishing toolbox of plant protect products.

“Through the work of the VI in Scotland, farmers are provided with a pragmatic, informative and supportive way of responsibility using plant protection products. The Scottish VI will continue to work collaboratively across the industry to recognise different interests and support robust PPP stewardship.

“Considerable credit must be given to Andrew Moir who has chaired the Scottish VI since March 2015 and has demonstrated to regulators and politicians the significant strides the industry has made, and continues to adopt, towards safe and pragmatic PPP use. The success made in delivering initiatives and collaboration across the industry by Andrew is something I look forward to continuing.”  


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Author: Bob Carruth

Date Published:

News Article No.: 147/20

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