New Project To Drive Forward Farm-Based Renewables In Scotland

The search is on for Scottish farmers with practical experience of renewable energy projects who are willing to share their story with others.

NFU Scotland has secured funding from the Scottish Government to assist with the creation and provision of sound independent advice to farmers and land managers across Scotland on renewable energy. To assist NFUS with the facilitation of this knowledge transfer, Smiths Gore has been appointed as an independent consultant.

To drive the project forward, demonstration farms are now being sought that can showcase renewable energy projects in the Scottish rural sector.

NFU Scotland’s Regional Co-ordination Manager, Lisa Roberts said:

“These are exciting times but in order for Scotland to achieve the full potential that exists in the rural renewables sector, we believe that it is essential for farmers and land managers to learn from each other’s experiences.

“We are now looking for farmers and land managers who are willing to share their renewables story with fellow farmers.  That could involve those who have secured planning for renewable energy projects; have projects that are under construction or those who have renewable installations that are already fully operational.

“For those who get involved, this initiative will offer great networking opportunities with industry experts to help you optimise your project, maximise financial returns to the business and identify future investment opportunities.

“If you feel that you have a project that could help demonstrate some aspect of the renewables sector to others, then we would welcome your involvement.”

Notes to Editors

  • Anyone looking for more information on the NFU Scotland Renewable Development Initiative can contact Lisa Roberts on 07789 796582 or Email:  Alternatively, they can Email:


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Date Published:

News Article No.: 109/13

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