New SRDP Must be Accessible to Utilise Limited Funds

Accessibility to the limited funding likely to be available through Scotland’s future rural development pot must be a key consideration when drawing up plans.

In addition to Scottish Government upholding its manifesto commitment to securing less favoured areas support (LFASS), the next Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) must also prioritise physical and financial resilience so that farm businesses and crofts can prosper in challenging times and drive Scotland's rural areas, added NFU Scotland.

NFUS will form its response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on SRDP 2014-2020, which delivers the rural development second pillar of the CAP, following consultation with its own members.

NFU Scotland’s existing blueprint for the next SRDP sets out principles for new Pillar 2 architecture to deliver an effective package of measures and support that would complement the major changes to direct support (Pillar 1) that are on the horizon.

NFU Scotland’s Policy and the Regions Director, Jonnie Hall said:
“The uncertainty created by CAP reform, in particular the move to an area-based payment system, means that the SRDP, notably LFASS, will play a greater role than ever in helping anchor vulnerable businesses operating in difficult economic and climatic conditions. The Scottish Government must uphold the clear public commitment it made to LFASS when it was re-elected in 2011.

“The initial proposals being consulted upon are key to establishing the structure of the next SRDP, and critically the accessibility of measures and funding across Scotland's varied farming and crofting landscape.

“The architecture and processes of the next must Programme must remove the well documented flaws of the current Rural Priorities set-up and create much simpler and open access to practical measures across all farm types.

“The role of farming and crofting remains pivotal for sustainable economic growth, flourishing ecosystems and landscapes, and thriving rural communities, so clear priorities have to be set, especially with tighter Pillar 2 funding.  

“NFUS has already given considerable thought to the priorities and processes that are now needed. We will be using this SG consultation exercise to engage our members to refine our blueprint for a new SRDP that puts our members and their farms and crofts in the vanguard of rural development in Scotland."  Ends


  • For a copy of NFU Scotland’s SRDP blueprint, please email t. 0131 472 4108
  • NFU Scotland’s internal consultation deadline is 7 June 2013.


Contact Sarah Anderson on 0131 472 4108

Date Published:

News Article No.: 61/13

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