NFU Scotland Autumn Conference Stirs Debate about Proposed Regional Land Use Partnerships

The topic of Regional Land Use Partnerships was the focus on last night’s (Thursday 22 October) NFU Scotland’s Autumn Conference – held online for the first time due to Covid-19 restrictions.  

The hour-long webinar billed ‘Regional Land Use Partnerships – An Opportunity or Threat’ successfully attracted over 130 participants and sparked some lively debate that highlighted some key concerns farmers and crofters have about the proposals.

Hosted by NFU Scotland President, Andrew McCornick, participants heard from two key players at the forefront of shaping RLUP policy - speakers Sally Reynolds (Commissioner, Scottish Land Commission) and Fiona Taylor (Head of Land Reform and Land Use, Scottish Government).

Both speakers provided an outline of proposals and how, if established correctly, the RLUPs could prove an opportunity to improve land use and tackle climate change, one of the key drivers behind the creation of the Partnerships. They also confirmed the as yet unpublished report about RLUP strategy would include recommendations the RLUPS will have to have a direct connection to levers of finance and a significant role in post 2024 funding, and will have an advisory and action-based role to enable them to make decisions on land use.

Commenting after the webinar, Andrew McCornick called for more clarity saying; “The level of interest in our Autumn Conference demonstrates the level of concern that farmers and crofters feel about proposed Regional Land Use Partnerships.

“I’m pleased that the event gave NFU Scotland members a preview of the Scottish Land Commission’s final report, but I remain concerned about the lack of detail that is available.

“The overarching principle of better collaboration is sound, however, I am deeply concerned that agriculture, as the foremost land use in Scotland, has not featured strongly enough in the Commission’s considerations. NFUS staff and members have a critical role to play in engaging with ongoing discussions in relation to these partnerships.

“I have real reservations about the cost implication of Regional Land Use Partnerships both to the public purse and to related agricultural budgets. NFUS has sought clarification on this but we have yet to receive a concrete answer from Scottish Government.

“Ensuring all sectors of agriculture are represented on these Partnerships is a key priority for NFUS. The Union is well placed to dedicate significant time and resource to ensuring the voice of Scotland’s farmers and crofters is heard.”

NFU Scotland would like to thank both speakers for taking part and sharing their updates with its members.


Contact Diana McGowan on 07920 018619

Author: Diana McGowan

Date Published:

News Article No.: 138/20

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About The Author

Diana McGowan

Diana joined NFU Scotland in October 2019 bringing with her over 20 years work experience in communication roles in tourism, events and forestry in both private and public sectors. She is now a key member of the Communications team and is Editor of the Union’s flagship Scottish Farming Leader magazine.

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