NFU Scotland President Martin Kennedy has met the newly appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Scotland Kirsty McNeill MP on a Perthshire farm
This was the organisation’s first formal meeting with the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State since her election as MP for Midlothian in the July general election. The meeting was hosted by Pete and Lucy Grewar.

NFU Scotland used the meeting to reiterate its call for the new Labour Government to commit to an increased, ring-fenced and multi-annual budget for agricultural support. The Union has previously highlighted that there has been real term erosion in the value of current support at the same time as farmers and crofters are being tasked with so much more in terms of policy objectives.
In its recent manifesto for the general election, NFU Scotland called for at least an extra £1 billion (from £3.7 billion to at least £4.7 billion) to be added to rural funding. On current allocations to Scotland, this would equate to at least an extra £170 million (from £620m to £790 million). NFU Scotland also welcomed the opportunity to discuss food security, availability of labour and seasonal workers with the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State.
Speaking after the meeting, NFU Scotland President Martin Kennedy said: “We welcome this early opportunity to meet with Minister Kirsty McNeill MP and congratulate her on her new role at the Scotland Office. We look forward to working with the Scotland Office to ensure that the needs of Scotland’s farming and crofting sector are understood, not only at the Scotland Office, but across other Government departments including DEFRA, Treasury and the Home Office.
“Before the election, the Labour Party went on record that, if elected, it would continue to support our farmers, crofters and rural communities. NFU Scotland believes that only with a guaranteed increased, ring-fenced multi-annual budget from Treasury, will our ambitions in relation to food production, climate, nature and rural communities be realised. Failure to deliver on that and many farms and crofts in Scotland face a cliff edge.
“We reminded the Minister that the return on investment from agricultural funding is significant. NFU Scotland recently published an overview of just 12 farms across the length and breadth of Scotland that spent £12.6 million annually on goods and services provided by more than 720 supply chain businesses.
“Future funding from the Government for the sector is not only right for farmers and crofters, and the thousands of supply chain companies that are supported by us, but is at the very heart of our economy, securing our food production, and underpinning our response to biodiversity and climate challenges.”
UK Government Minister for Scotland Kirsty McNeill said: "Farmers and farming are vital to this country as providers of essential food, guardians of our countryside and significant contributors to the economy. I was delighted to visit the farm and meet with the NFU Scotland President to hear his thoughts on current issues and how we can work together in the future. The UK Government will continue to support the agriculture sector across the UK, including in Scotland, and we look forward to regular engagement with the industry."
Notes for Editors
- Extended caption for attached photo. Perthshire farmers Pete (left) and Lucy Grewar (2nd left) hosted a visit from Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Scotland Kirsty McNeill MP. NFU Scotland President Martin Kennedy (right) and Director of Policy Jonnie Hall (centre) joined the Minister on the farm visit. Photo courtesy of Scotland Office.
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006