NFUS Annual Dinner Boosts Coffers of Rural Charities

Generous diners raise almost £4200 for RSABI and RHET

At NFU Scotland’s Annual Dinner last week (Thursday 6 February) a fantastic £4194 was raised for Scotland’s favourite rural charities – RSABI and the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET).

The dinner, held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow, saw donations from guests, with £2097 going to each charity with cheques presented at NFU Scotland’s conference the following day (Friday 7 February).

NFU Scotland President, Andrew McCornick said: “I am delighted that once again NFU Scotland has decided to support RSABI and RHET as the role of both is hugely important to our industry.

“Demand for the help and services offered by rural charity RSABI is growing year on year and the need for practical, emotional and financial support for those in Scottish agriculture who may be struggling on a number of levels has never been higher.

“Similarly, the need for us, as an industry, to engage positively with school children across Scotland and help improve their understanding of food, farming, the working countryside and the wider environment continues to grow.

“RHET’s coordination of school visits to working farms, materials for teachers and classroom talks by farmers ensure that the fantastic story we have on how we farm and produce food here in Scotland reaches the next generation of consumers.”

Notes to Editors

  • A photograph of President Andrew McCornick presenting the cheque to RSABI Chief Executive Nina Clancy and RHET Chairman George Lawrie is attached.


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Author: Bob Carruth

Date Published:

News Article No.: 13/20

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NFUS Annual Dinner Boosts Coffers of Rural Charities

Generous diners raise more than £4,200 for RSABI and RHET

At NFU Scotland’s Annual Dinner on Thursday evening, £4,280 was raised for two of Scotland’s rural charities – RSABI and the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET).

The Dinner, held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow, saw donations from guests, with £2,140 going to each charity with cheques presented today (8 February) at NFU Scotland’s AGM.

Ewan Pate, Chairman of RSABI, commented: “I am delighted that once again NFU Scotland has decided to support RSABI and we are grateful to all the dinner guests for their donations. Demand for our services is continuing to increase year on year and NFU Scotland members are helping to help those in real need.

“RSABI offers practical, emotional and financial support to those in agriculture including farmers, crofters and growers. These funds help ensure vital services like our helpline - 0300 111 4166 - is available from 7am to 1pm, seven days a week and if you know someone that needs help, please put them in touch.”

George Lawrie of RHET thanked guests for their donations and said: “We are proud, and grateful for the ongoing support from NFU Scotland’s members to enable us to continue to engage with school children across Scotland to help improve their understanding of food, farming, the working countryside and the wider environment.

“We are fortunate to have the dedicated support from hundreds of volunteers from the agricultural community to offer visits to working farms and classroom talks, and donations like this allow us to keep services like this free of charge.”

Notes to Editors

•    A photograph of the cheque presentation is available from 12pm on Friday 8 February by emailing


Contact Ruth McClean on 0131 472 4108

Author: Ruth McClean

Date Published:

News Article No.: 15/19

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About The Author

Ruth McClean

Having worked in the communications and journalism industry for the last 11 years, NFU Scotland’s Communications Manager Ruth McClean understands the needs of journalists and has extensive knowledge of the wider agricultural industry. After growing up in Argyll and Bute and working in the area as a reporter for local newspapers for eight years, Ruth joined NFU Scotland in 2013 in her current role. She is also Editor of the Union’s membership magazine the Scottish Farming Leader.

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