NFUS Constitutional Changes to be Voted on at AGM
Current Vice President Rob Livesey to be re-elected unopposed
NFU Scotland is to propose three constitutional changes at its Annual General Meeting in February 2016 following consultation with its members.
The changes include:
- formalising a proxy vote system for the election of committee chairman and regional chairman;
- removal of the five year rule for Board members to be replaced with a five year limitation on any regional chairman position or committee chairman position;
- the requirement for members who wish to stand for election as committee chairman or regional chairman to be nominated at least five days in advance of the election.
These changes will be voted on at NFU Scotland’s AGM that will take place at the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews on Thursday 11 February 2016 at 11am. If a majority of the votes are in favour, then the changes will take effect that day.
Nominations opened in November for one of two positions of Vice President at the Union. Only one nomination was received by the closing date of 14 December.
That means current Vice President Rob Livesey, from the Borders, will be the sole nomination at the NFUS Council meeting on Friday, 12 February 2016. Rob was first elected as VP in 2013.
Under the terms of the NFU Scotland constitution, those elected to the position of Vice President will initially serve for two years before the post reverts to an annual election. As Dumfriesshire farmer Andrew McCornick was elected to the position of VP in February 2015 for the first time, his position was not open for re-election.
With no Vice Presidential hustings, NFU Scotland’s President Allan Bowie and Chief Executive Scott Walker will use the forthcoming round of Regional AGMs in January to provide all attendees with an update on the policy, campaigning and lobbying work being undertaken currently by the Union with the opportunity for members to ask questions and raise points of concern on any issue.
Among the Policy issues to be discussed will be the Scottish Government Land Reform Bill which is now going through Parliament and will become law by the end of March 2016. NFUS has consulted widely with it members on this subject but with Scottish Government amendments to the Bill expected, members will be updated on the current position and their views sought.
NFU Scotland Chief Executive Scott Walker commented: “Good governance is an ongoing process. The constitution of NFU Scotland is always being reviewed in light of experiences and on the basis of suggested changes from members and branches.
“Regional meetings were held during the year to discuss a number of possible constitutional changes and from the feedback given at these meetings three proposed changes have been sent to all members who will now determine whether they go ahead.
“Our annual round of regional meetings are always very good and something that I look forward too. The Union has never been more active on the policy, campaigning and lobbying front. Being able to get in front of members and tell them about what we are doing is important. All our members are facing immense challenges and they need to know that their Union is actively working for them and Scottish agriculture.”
Notes to Editors
The list of forthcoming Regional AGMs is as follows:

Should members of the media wish to attend, please contact
Contact Ruth McClean on 0131 472 4108
Date Published: 16/12/2015
News Article No.: 233/15
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