NFUS Looks to Build on Positive 2017 for Women in Agriculture
Following on from a successful year of increased engagement with women in agriculture (WIA), NFU Scotland is looking to build with the aim of further regional groups, more women at general meetings, and improved regional contacts for women.
This last year has seen two highly successful regional WIA events, in Dumfries and Galloway and Argyll and the Islands. These universally well received events have been an excellent start in getting more women in agriculture involved with the union, and its aim is to start more regional groups in 2018.
NFU Scotland is also aiming to encourage more female members to become more regular attendees at local and regional Union meetings and events.
This year’s efforts have seen a great deal achieved in encouraging female members to get more involved in NFU Scotland and the setting out of these aims is an attempt to continue that momentum.
NFU Scotland President Andrew McCornick, who sits on the Scottish Government’s Women in Agriculture taskforce, said: “Groups and events which encourage women in our industry, many of whom would not usually attend our meetings, are vital to the proper representation of all our members.
“We need to encourage as many women to come forward and be as active as possible to address the underrepresentation in the union at the moment.
“I believe that the best way to improve representation is to start at a local and regional level and build from there. We are starting to see women come forward to get involved with NFUS, and we are going to work with them in 2018 and beyond. Ultimately, I want to see more women progress through the Union and onto our Committees and our Board.”
Notes to Editor
Contact Douglas Ross on 0131 472 4108
Author: Douglas Ross
Date Published: 18/12/2017
News Article No.: 186/17
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