NFUS Promotional Activity at Aldi Stores Continues Over Coming Weeks
Events to take place in Inverness, Dumfries and Prestwick
Promotional events at three Aldi stores will be taking place over the next few weeks to engage with consumers and promote Scottish produce.
These events follow other successful supermarket promotional days that were held during 2015 at Stirling, Dunfermline and Livingston, and will complement others that will take place later in the year.
Hundreds of NFU Scotland members have met consumers through these types of events in recent years whilst offering tasty Scottish food, promoting the Scotch label and Red Tractor standards and educating shoppers about the fantastic story that Scottish farming has to tell.
Events will take place in Inverness this Saturday, 20 February; Dumfries on 27 February and Prestwick on 5 March.
The events see samples of Scottish beef, lamb, chicken, cheese, yoghurt and chutney being provided to the shoppers. Aldi has a growing presence in the Scottish retail scene and sells 100 per cent Scotch beef and lamb.
NFU Scotland’s President Allan Bowie commented: “While there has been good progress in the last year, it is clear that supermarkets can go much further to support Scotland’s hard working farmers, while delivering greater quality to Scotland’s shoppers.
“In 2015, our activity at supermarkets meant that our members were more visible and active than ever before, speaking to shoppers, offering Scotch beef, lamb and cheese to taste, and promoting high quality assurance standards.
“The farmers involved received overwhelming support from shoppers who want to be able to buy more Scottish produce.
“Members will be out and about once again continuing this good work in the coming weeks and months and we would encourage consumers to head along and support our hard-working farmers by speaking to members and putting Scottish produce on their dinner tables.
“We will continue to engage with other retailers and supermarkets to encourage them to stock and promote Scottish produce, whilst encouraging consumers to buy local, whether that be it from the supermarket shelves, or indeed their local butcher.”
Notes to Editors
- The forthcoming events involving NFU Scotland members and Aldi Stores are:
- Saturday 20 February – Friars Bridge, Inverness from 11am to 1pm. For more details please contact Highland Regional Manager Ian Wilson on 07775 915988 or email:
- Saturday 27 February – Annan Road, Dumfries (time TBC)
- Saturday 5 March, - Ayr Road, Prestwick from 12 till 2pm
- Events at Aldi stores in Argyll and Aberdeenshire are still to be confirmed.
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006
Date Published: 17/02/2016
News Article No.: 46/16
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