NFUS Teams Up with RSABI on Migrant Worker Wellbeing

Scotland’s rural charity, RSABI ensures that support is available to all people involved in the Scottish agricultural industry.

The charity has recently improved its accessibility to seasonal migrant workers through a new multi-lingual helpline.  The RSABI helpline can be reached on 0300 111 4160, or by completing a ‘call back’ form online The helpline has a translation service.

The helpline provides an additional service that seasonal workers can use to get practical, emotional and, in some cases, financial support from a friendly voice in their own language. RSABI are working with NFU Scotland and SAOS to promote the helpline to ensure that those who need it can access assistance.  

Covid restrictions and post-Brexit visa requirements have made this season a difficult one for both farmers and their workers, and this can take a toll on wellbeing.

Nina Clancy, RSABI’s chief executive, explained why they have made this service available. She said: “This helpline has been put in place to reach out to the difficult to reach migrant workers. Working away from home with language barriers can increase stress and anxiety for workers, in some cases magnifying the problems they are facing, and it is important that everyone in Scottish agriculture has an opportunity to receive support”.

Iain Brown, chair of NFU Scotland’s Horticulture Working Group, highlighted the importance of worker wellbeing and morale to horticultural businesses. He said: “Seasonal migrant workers are a vital asset to the Scottish horticulture sector and are a critical part of its success. Services that improve the mental wellbeing and morale of workers will have benefits for both the workers and for our members’ businesses.”  


Contact Bob Carruth on 07788 927675

Author: Bob Carruth

Date Published:

News Article No.: 106/21

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About The Author

Bob Carruth

A dairy farmer’s son, I joined NFU Scotland in 1999 after 13 years as an agricultural journalist. Following spells as a regional manager and policy lead on milk, livestock and animal health and welfare, I became Communications Director in 2008.

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