Nominations are now being sought for the two Vice Presidential positions at NFU Scotland.
Any NFUS member can be nominated for election, providing they are proposed and seconded by NFUS members. The election will take place at the NFUS Council meeting on Tuesday, 14 February 2012 at the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews following the AGM & Annual Dinner the previous day.
Those wishing to stand for these positions should contact NFUS Chief Executive Scott Walker to obtain a proposal form, which must then be signed and returned to him by Monday, 19 December 2011.
NFU Scotland CEO Scott Walker said:
“The 2010 review of our existing terms for electing our office bearers saw no clear desire to change our system which sees Presidents elected for a two year term and Vice Presidential elections being held annually.
“The annual job of filling our two Vice-Presidential posts is now open and we invite applications. Members of NFU Scotland’s council – a body made up from representatives of each of the Union’s 71 branches - will then select the successful candidates on 14 February 2012.
“These are exciting times for Scottish agriculture and these positions offer the opportunity to play an important role in representing NFU Scotland’s members and shaping our industry.”
Notes to Editors
- The current Vice Presidents at NFU Scotland are Allan Bowie and John Picken.
- Nomination forms for the position of Vice President are available from NFU Scotland Chief Executive Scott Walker. Scott can be contacted on 0131 472 4001 or Email: Alternatively Scott can be contacted in writing at NFU Scotland, Rural Centre, West Mains, Ingliston, Midlothian, EH28 8LT. The application period will close on Monday, 19 December and candidates announced the following day.
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006