Reminder on Annual Sheep and Goat Count
NFU Scotland is reminding all Scottish sheep and goat keepers to return their annual inventory form before 31 January.
Under European law, all keepers must carry out an annual count of all the sheep and goats on every holding that they use.
Scottish Government contact all registered sheep and goat keepers by letter each year to ask how many sheep and goats were on their holdings on 1 January. All keepers should have already received their inventory request for 2015, which must be returned by the end of January.
NFU Scotland Livestock Policy Manager John Sleigh said:
“The annual inventory has been a requirement for several years now but it is one of those forms that many producers tend to leave to the last minute to complete.
“However, the warning from Scottish Government is that failure to return your annual inventory will increase your chances of being selected for a sheep and goat inspection and carries the risk of a cross compliance penalty.
“That should be incentive enough for sheep and goat producers to crack on with filling out the form.
“If you have not received your inventory request, or have misplaced your copy, then you are asked to contact your local RPID office to obtain another copy.
“Late returns are accepted and if you do not return your inventory by 31 January, we strongly urge you do so as soon as possible. The Scottish Government has confirmed that the sooner you return the inventory, the less likely you are to be placed in a higher risk category for inspection.
“That, alone, makes filling out this simple form worthwhile.”
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006
Date Published: 21/01/2015
News Article No.: 10/15
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