Retired Dumfries and Galloway Farmers Celebrate Successful Year
The Retired Farming Social Group in Dumfries and Galloway celebrated its first birthday last Thursday (29 November), with the group having expanded from 12 to 34 members in that time.
Following a unanimous vote at their most recent meeting, the group is now an independently funded organisation with a donation of £500 from NFU Scotland as well as a donation from the Stewartry Discussion Society (which has now disbanded).
The group’s most recent meeting saw 27 members visit the SRUC Barony Campus near Dumfries where they were welcomed by Dr Dave Roberts, Director of SRUC Barony Campus. David Rose, retired Principal gave a talk on the history of the Barony site and Farm Manager, Paul Kelly, provided information on the running of their farm.
Jill Rennie, Group Coordinator said: “I’m delighted that the group is continuing to grow and we get new people contacting us regularly to find out more about the meetings. It is great to see people who may be isolated or lonely coming along to meet others in a similar situation, sharing their farming stories and having a laugh.”
Willie Dunlop, Group Chairman, said: “When I first heard about the Retired Farmers Group I thought it was a good idea and after attending my first meeting I haven’t missed one since. I think the group is amazing.
“There is a lot of comradeship - you get to meet new people and we have a right good blether. We discuss different things about farming and lots of other things. I just enjoy the company and having that opportunity to reminisce a wee bit about farming when we were younger and how things have changed.
“We’ve had a few trips over the year. We visited a farm in Newton Stewart to see all the old implements we used to use. We have visited an organic farm which was interesting and we have visited the Barony campus which I really enjoyed as well.”
Teresa Dougall, NFUS Director of Regions and Dumfries and Galloway Regional Manager said: “It has been a delight to be involved with this group from the start. We are delighted to see them now going independent and look forward to supporting them in the future. As part of this, we have donated £500 to help them progress.
“Jill has done a fantastic job in getting this group off the ground and it provides a great network and social connection for the retired farming community.”
Notes to Editor
- Photographs of the group are available by request from
- For more information or to get involved with the group contact or 07788 583 687.
Contact Douglas Ross on 0131 472 4059
Author: Douglas Ross
Date Published: 07/12/2018
News Article No.: 167/18
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