Scottish Sheep Farmers Say Thank You

Shoppers urged to put Scotch Lamb on the menu this Easter

Many of Scotland’s sheep producers are still toiling to feed and lamb their stock following last weekend’s devastating snow storms but NFU Scotland, on their behalf, is thanking the general public for the incredible support and sympathy they have shown.

Farmers in most of Dumfries and Galloway, parts of South Ayrshire, Kintyre and Arran were hammered by some of the worst snow storms ever recorded in March and the past week has seen them valiantly attempt to rescue, feed and save vulnerable ewes and lambs.

NFU Scotland, working with Scottish Government and other stakeholders, has been working tirelessly to help those in most need of assistance through sourcing tracked vehicles to access and feed sheep, providing emergency power where possible and seeking help for those with significant numbers of fallen animals to be collected.

However, media coverage of the plight of some producers has seen an unprecedented level of support shown by the general public, with hundreds of messages of goodwill and many offers of help and assistance to producers.

NFU Scotland President, Nigel Miller said:
“Last week’s devastating weather hit many producers at lambing time, the most crucial part of the sheep year.  Those affected have spent a hellish week trying to find and feed vulnerable ewes and lambs, carry on caring for those ewes still to lamb and preserve life where possible.  Unfortunately, the weather has been so extreme that, as the snow recedes, considerable losses are also going to be found.

“Head office, regional staff and local secretaries will continue to work with our members in the worst affected parts of the country identifying areas where we can help and what assistance they may need to get through this difficult and traumatic time.

“Other regions outwith the crisis area are also facing a battle against the elements. It has been a rough year for farming across Scotland and hopes of an early spring to mitigate the long, cold and wet 2012 have been dashed.  The snow may continue to turn the pressure up over the next few days and that brings additional stress and cost to all businesses.   Once spring has arrived, many farmers will face a significant financial challenge and for those hammered by the storms last week, the pressure will be more intense.

“While there has been tremendous empathy from fellow farmers for those hit by the weather, what has been most gratifying is the public response and a genuine appreciation of the hard work, effort and pride that goes in to putting food on people’s plates.

“For those still struggling with snow, there may be little respite this Easter.  However, for shoppers this weekend, there is the opportunity to show Scottish producers how much they value their efforts.  Visiting the butcher or supermarket and putting some tasty Scotch Lamb on the Easter menu will help lift spirits in what is a bleak lambing time for many.”


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Date Published:

News Article No.: 42/13

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