Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme Payments Underway
Farmers and crofters to receive payment in the coming weeks
The Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme (SSBSS) supports producers breeding beef calves from suckler cows, ensuring that herds remain at a level that sustains Scotland’s commercial beef industry.
In the coming weeks around 7,000 farmers and crofters will benefit from payments worth close to £40 million, with some having already received payment.
The 2020 payment rates are £100.72 per animal for SSBSS Mainland and £145.13 per animal for SSBSS Island.
Claim numbers are up slightly on the previous year with 382,674 animals claimed in 2020 compared to 378,617 in 2019. However, the figures still show a reduction in claims over the past five years.
Jimmy Ireland, chair of NFU Scotland Livestock Committee, said: “Suckler herds form the backbone of quality beef production in Scotland and we can confirm that the first of the 2020 Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme payments are being made this week.
“These payments will aid farmers cash flow, providing a welcome boost to the rural economy while also helping to support farmers who are producing the quality meat products that Scotland is globally renowned for.”
Contact Ruth Oxborrow on 07823 556253
Author: Ruth Oxborrow
Date Published: 08/04/2021
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