The starting gun has been fired on an election process that will see NFU Scotland appoint a new President and elect two Vice Presidents in February 2021.

NFU Scotland is now taking nominations for these important positions in Scottish agriculture. Current President Andrew McCornick’s four years in office comes to an end in February which means a new NFUS President is to be elected. The Vice-Presidential posts currently held by Charlie Adam and Martin Kennedy are also open.
Martin Kennedy has indicated that he will be standing for the position of President. Charlie Adam has indicated that he will not be standing for either position and will be stepping down from board after 10 years.
Any NFUS member can be nominated for election, providing they are proposed and seconded by fellow NFUS members. The presidential position is held for two years and a President can serve a maximum of two consecutive two-year terms. Under the terms of the constitution, those elected to the position of Vice President will initially serve for two years before the post reverts to an annual election. Members of NFU Scotland’s council – a body made up from representatives of each of the Union’s 73 branches - will select the successful candidates.

Those wishing to stand for these positions should contact NFUS Chief Executive Scott Walker to obtain a proposal form, which must then be signed and returned to him by 5pm on Thursday, 17 December 2020.
Details on who is standing will be announced at the Union’s Christmas Press Briefing on Monday 21 December.
Mr Walker said: “The job of electing those who will fill our Presidential seat and the two Vice-Presidential posts is now underway and we invite applications from those keen to lead NFUS and represent the Scottish farming industry at this pivotal time.

“Every elected Presidential team faces a set of unique situations. Whoever is elected in February next year will be the first Officeholder team in a generation who will have to navigate securing a profitable supply chain for farmers where agricultural policy will be determined here in Scotland without the benefits or disadvantages of an EU framework and where a UK Government is responsible for determining the trading relationships between the UK and the rest of the world.
“We will be running on-line hustings early in the New Year so that our membership has the opportunity to question the candidates. It is extremely unlikely, but should Covid-19 restrictions ease and face-to-face meetings be allowed these will also be organised. Contingency plans for our annual conference, AGM and elections to be staged virtually in February are already well advanced.
“Holding the elected office of President or Vice President is a great honour. All the people who put themselves forward have one thing in common, a common goal to do the best for the Scottish farming industry. I want to take the time to thank Charlie for his hugely valuable contribution to the working of our board for the past decade and I wish all those who stand in this election the very best. The whole of NFU Scotland looks forward to working with the new team from February.”
Commenting on his decision not to stand for office, Vice President Charlie Adam said: “It has been an absolute privilege to have been part of the board at NFU Scotland for ten years, as regional chairman, Livestock committee chairman and Vice President. However, the time is right to step aside for new and diverse faces to fill that space.
“I will continue to keep up the fight on behalf of NFU Scotland and Scottish agriculture and, with three months left in my current role, I will continue to give it my all. At 66, there are many other things I am keen to be involved in, including spending more time on my farm and with my family.”
Notes to Editors
- Nomination forms for the position of President and Vice President are available from NFU Scotland Chief Executive Scott Walker. Scott can be contacted on 0131 472 4001 or email: Alternatively, Scott can be contacted in writing at NFU Scotland, Rural Centre, West Mains, Ingliston, Midlothian, EH28 8LT. The application period will close at 5pm on Thursday, 17 December 2020 and candidates will be announced at the Christmas press briefing on Monday 21 December 2020.
- The election will take place on Friday 12 February 2021. Due to Covid restrictions limiting events that can take place arrangements are being made to hold the elections on a virtual platform.
- Notice is also given that the Annual General Meeting of the members of NFU Scotland will be held on Thursday 11 February 2020 at 12pm until 12.45pm. The normal business to be conducted will be the consideration of the Directors’ report; the Auditors’ report and the Financial Accounts for the year ended 31 October 2020. Due to Covid restrictions limiting events that can take place arrangements are being made to hold the event online.
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006