NFU Scotland’s East Central region will welcome almost 500 diners to the NFU Scotland Annual Dinner on Thursday 18 February at Fairmont, St Andrews, to enjoy the best food that local producers have to offer.
For a number of years now the annual dinner has been the highlight of the social calendar for many NFU members, with a menu too tempting to pass up. This year is no exception, and we are, as ever, delighted to have so many willing contributors who have so generously donated produce, and financial assistance, to ensure the success of the event. Those staying overnight will also enjoy a genuinely Scottish Breakfast, with the cooked breakfast options boasting local eggs, sausages, black pudding and a new development for Scotland - low salt bacon.
Scottish, UK and European politicians, including the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, Richard Lochhead MSP, will be present, as well as Senior Agricultural figures and representatives from other UK farming Unions and it will be a great opportunity for members to mix and mingle with them.
The Annual Dinner menu features top quality produce from across the region, including; Scotch Beef Carpaccio, Dunkeld smoked salmon, Loin of Highland Glen Lamb served with black pudding, Angus berries, Nelsons ice cream, local cheese and oatcakes and even local sweeties including Tablet, Fudge and Mini Shortbread. Head Chef Billy Campbell, of Fairmont St Andrews, will kindly prepare all of the courses.
Kate Maitland, NFU Scotland’s East Central Regional Manager, said:
“The whole of Scotland is famous world-wide for its quality food and drink, but it is great to have the opportunity through our Annual Dinner, to highlight the regional specialities.
“This year its the turn of East Central - and what a great opportunity to show the superb quality, and wide variety, of produce that the region has to offer. Guests at the event are in for a real treat, with all seven courses showcasing the best food and drink available in Scotland.
“In addition to fine producers, the region is home to a number of quality food and drink manufacturers. I would like to extend my thanks, on behalf of NFU Scotland, for all those who have generously sponsored the event and have donated food and drink.”
- NFU Scotland’s AGM will take place over two days, 18 and 19 February, at Fairmont, St Andrews. The programme outline is as follows:
Thursday 18 February 2010
From 1130 hrs Registration – Conference Foyer
1200– 1245 hrs Buffet lunch
1300 hrs AGM – Ballroom
1400-1500 hrs Policy debate
1500 – 1515 hrs Tea/Coffee interval
1515 – 1700 hrs Policy debate
1800 – 1900 hrs Pre-Dinner Drinks Reception – Sponsored by Diageo
1915 hrs Annual Dinner will be held in the Atrium
2215 hrs After-Dinner speakers
2300 hrs Expected close of dinner
Friday 19 February 2010
0930 hrs 2010/2011 National Council Meeting
Nomination of Vice Presidents
Presentation to RSABI/RHET
John Miskelly Award
NFUS Ambassador Award
1000 hrs Tea and coffee interval
1015 hrs Minister’s address and Q & A session
1130hrs Committee Meetings – Election of Committee Chairmen
1200 hrs Buffet lunch
1300 – 1400 hrs Meeting of the new Board of Directors
- If you would like to speak with a member of the Communications team throughout the duration of the AGM please contact:
Bob Carruth: 07788 927 675
Sarah Anderson: 07920 018 619
Wendy Irwin: 07775 804 717
- NFU Scotland would like to thank all those who have sponsored the Annual Dinner and AGM and/or given donations of food and drink:
Diageo, United Auctions, Highland Glen, Vion, Algo, Branston, John Guthrie Ltd, Masstock, Agricar Ltd, A.M. Phillip Ltd, Carrs Fertilisers, G. Reekie Group, John Watson Seeds Ltd, Nickersons – Advanta Ltd, Sellars Agricultural Ltd, Mackays, Mackie’s at Taypack, Mains of Murthly, Nelsons of Culross, Puddledub, Quaker Oats, RR Spink & Sons, Scot herbs, Simon Howie, St Andrews Farmhouse Cheese company, Allan Mackay, Campbell Dallas Chartered Accountants, Harrisons Fine Wines, Netherton Tractors Ltd, SAC, Glamis Castle, Summer Harvest, Taypack potatoes, WP Bruce (Peas) Ltd, ABP, Angus soft fruits, Cairnie Fruit farm, Fisher & Donaldson, Highland Fine Cheeses, Hutchison’s flour, David Sands, Dunkeld Smoked Salmon, East of Scotland Growers, Gloagburn Free-range Eggs, Gordon of Durward, Graham’s The Family Dairy, Heather Hills farm, Inveralmond Brewery, Kettle Produce.
Contact Wendy Irwin on 0131 472 4020