Transport central to Scotland’s livestock industry

Given the vital role that transport plays in Scotland’s livestock industry, NFU Scotland has been deeply critical of proposals included in Defra and Scottish Government consultations that closed this week.

The Defra consultation, which related to journeys in (or partly in) England and Wales proposed a ban on the live export of stock for further finishing or slaughter and restrictions on journey length and conditions, including outside temperature during transport, headroom and stocking density.  The Scottish consultation looked specifically at the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) report into animal transport and its recommendations.

NFU Scotland President Martin Kennedy said: “The ability to transport livestock safely throughout the UK is fundamental to the Scottish livestock industry and opposition to the deeply flawed proposals in these consultations has galvanised the whole Scottish livestock sector.

“Regrettably, the driver behind much of this was a FAWC report that was, in our opinion, poorly written and simplistic in approach and shows no appreciation or understanding of livestock production across all parts of the UK.

“We have worked closely with a wide range of UK and Scottish stakeholders on these consultations; hundreds of members attended NFU Scotland webinars on this subject and all members were encouraged to respond directly to these damaging proposals.  The importance of transport to livestock producers on Scotland’s islands and in more remote areas is paramount and members from those regions were quickest to voice their concerns.

“Regardless of whether journeys are made by land or sea, it must be borne in mind that Scotland has an excellent track record in ensuring all animal health and welfare requirements in transit are met and requirements around the likes of journey times, rest periods, stocking densities, vehicle standards, vehicle certification and driver competence have been well policed and adhered to in Scotland for more than 15 years to good effect.

“To ensure the best possible welfare outcomes, the FAWC report would have been better to focus on fitness of animals to travel and development of best practice guidance, rather than focussing on the length of journey or the external temperature at the time of transport.

“The proposed changes to journeys based on duration and weather conditions would cause serious delays and disruption, potentially damaging welfare outcomes.  Proposed changes to vehicle requirements would add significant costs and lead to many more journeys being made, increasing greenhouse gas emissions which work against both farming’s and the government’s net zero targets. 

“These are serious issues, especially when no evidence has been provided in the consultations to suggest they would actually benefit animal welfare.”  

Notes to Editors
• Copies of NFU Scotland’s submissions to both the Defra and Scottish Government consultations on animal transport are available on request from

Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006.

Author: Bob Carruth

Date Published:

News Article No.: 32/21

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About The Author

Bob Carruth

A dairy farmer’s son, I joined NFU Scotland in 1999 after 13 years as an agricultural journalist. Following spells as a regional manager and policy lead on milk, livestock and animal health and welfare, I became Communications Director in 2008.

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