Union’s Vice-Presidential Candidates Announced

NFU Scotland’s Presidential team for 2014 will be unchanged.

The two Vice-Presidential posts at NFUS are both for one-year terms. The current NFUS Vice-Presidents, Allan Bowie and Rob Livesey have both been nominated, with no other candidates coming forward.

Mr Bowie has been a Vice-President since February 2009 while Mr Livesey was elected at the AGM in February 2013.  

The post of President, currently held by Nigel Miller, is open for election every two years. Nigel was re-elected in February and will stand down at the 2015 AGM.

Although there will be no voting, the formalities of having candidates proposed, seconded and elected will take place at the Union’s Council meeting on Tuesday 11 February 2014 at the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews, following the Union’s AGM and dinner the previous day. The Union’s council is a body made up from representatives of each of the Union’s 74 branches.

A round of regional AGMs is scheduled for January 2014 and, with the agreement of regional boards, it is intended that the President, Vice-Presidents and Chief Executive will attend these events.

NFU Scotland Chief Executive, Scott Walker said:

“Having a tried and trusted Presidential team going into one of the most challenging years for the Scottish farming industry will be reassuring for members.

“Nigel, Allan and Rob have a proven track record in dealing with the growing list of challenges thrown at them in 2013.  This is a team with the skills and knowledge to continue to meet those challenges on behalf of our members.”  

Notes to Editors

  • The following are biographies of NFU Scotland’s Vice-Presidential candidates.  Photographs are available on request.

Allan Bowie, The Haining, Strathkinness High Road, St Andrews
Allan is married with two sons and a daughter. He farms in North East Fife majoring on growing wheat, barley, potatoes and vegetables. The area farmed extends to about 600 acres on short limited duration tenancy/contract farming agreements. In addition, the business grazes a number of suckled calves each year. He was chairman of the North East Fife branch and served two years as chairman for East Central region. Allan has been Vice-President since February 2009.

Rob Livesey, Firth, Catshawhill, Melrose
Rob is married to Kath with two sons, Rory and Iain.  Kath and Iain both work at home while Rory is an auctioneer.  The family has been a tenant at the 600 acres Firth Farm since November 1998.  A further 180 acres are owned or let on various arrangements.   The family run 1100 Mule ewes, 80 Salers suckler cows and grow around 120 acres of grain.  Prior to taking on the tenancy at Firth, Rob was farm manager at Glenapp Estate, Ballantrae.  Rob is a former chairman of both the Girvan (now part of South Ayrshire) and Selkirk branches.  He was Livestock Committee Chairman for four years. 

  • January will see the majority of regional annual general meetings held across the country. The Union’s Presidential team and Chief Executive will be in attendance.  Below are the dates which have been agreed, with location and time.

7 January, Ayrshire, Western House Hotel, Ayr, 7.30pm
8 January, Highland, Golf View, Nairn, 7.30pm
9 January, East Central, Huntingtower Hotel, Perth, 7.30pm
14 January, North East, Lochter Activity Centre, 7.30pm
15 January, Dumfries & Galloway, Douglas Arms, Castle Douglas, 7.30pm
16 January, Forth & Clyde, Garfield Hotel, Stepps, 7.30pm
17 January, Argyll & Islands, Tarbert Village Hall, 2pm
21 January, Lothian & Borders, The Lodge, Carfraemill, 7.30pm
22 January, Orkney, Ayre Hotel, Kirkwall, 7.30pm


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006 or Ruth McClean on 0131 472 4108

Date Published:

News Article No.: 165/13

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